Category: Feedback

  • Friday Feedback

    Friday Feedback

    Another week. What is your favorite childhood food? That dish that takes you back to a happy childhood memory. Politics The New York Times, a “newspaper” and “trusted media source” was out there downplaying the second assignation attempt on Trump. They do such a good job of lying. Kamala should take lessons from them. They…

  • Friday Feedback

    Friday Feedback

    The blog has now been moved to a temporary server. I hope that it will be more stable. I have to move the citation server. Once that is moved, GFZ and Vine Of Liberty will be free of K8S. I have a few other websites to move, but I am making great progress. In the…

  • Should We Trust your Statistics?

    Should We Trust your Statistics?

    And, not to pick on you, but speaking of definitions, “collage” according to Webster is: “an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface.” “College” is: “an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor’s degree,” or “an organized body…

  • Friday Feedback

    I am so pleased that Ally has stepped up her postings. It helps me keep going. I’ve had way to many 503 errors recently. This is the service is temporarily unavailable error message. At issue is a resource allocation problem. I’ve added a couple of new sites to the mix, added a mail service, and…

  • Friday Feedback

    Well, we made it another week. The site still isn’t to where I need it. But it is functional. I have imported all of my posts from GFZ. This is a step forward. I am in the process of writing a Vine Of Liberty plug-in to handle theming and some other missing features. The one…

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a rocky end to the week.  GFZ is closing down.  I will be discussing with Miguel what goes, what stays, how long it is up, what might get archived elsewhere. Currently, there are two official contributors to this site, Hagar and I. I will be posting under my given name moving forward…

  • Friday Feedback

    Today is the day I start shipping the Velcro backers for those people who purchased them. I’m going to lead J.Kb. through the process so he can ship the patches. Thank you for your patience when I jumped the gun. Miguel noticed my Tuesday Tunes was Sing, Sing, Sing and called me on not posting…

  • “The War of Northern Agression”

    I am old enough that I started school before the Federal Department of Education came into existence. My father was in the U.S. Navy. We traveled around the country as he was posted to different bases. Sometimes those locations were in “The South” and sometimes they were in The North. I am an American, first,…

  • Friday Feedback

    There were a few big wins in the 2A world this week. We have a case out of Western Virginia, a class action suit, which found that all members of the class of 18,19, and 20-year-olds are allowed to purchase handguns, at a federal level. This is a district court ruling, and the Judge made…

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a good week overall. We got some great news out of a local court in Massachusetts regarding honoring out of state permits to carry. It is really great news. About a half dozen of the people I watch have talked about it as well as J.Kb. One point, it is an “as…