Category: …….

  • There’s a Rumbly in my Tummy

    I love that I can trust the left to be an echo chamber. I caught an article in an online rag. They gave me the first two paragraphs, then said, “Pay for more.” I declined. What I did do, was to use their title and ask Miss Google for links to the article. She obliged…

  • When they lose, they attempt to change the rules

    The Constitution was written to set the rules of government in stone. It takes an entirely new tact on how to define a government. Instead of saying what the government is not allowed to do, it defines what the government is allowed to do. Anything that the government hasn’t been given permission to do is…

  • Washington to assist Illinois?

    Just a short one and a heads-up to the people of Illinois. One of the things that is concerning about the ATF’s pistol brace + AR == SBR (Which the 5th Circuit has paused), is that if you have one, it is illegal without a tax stamp. Put better, before you can acquire an SBR,…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    A few years ago, this song came across my play list. I found myself listening to it multiple times, then listening to more of their songs. Today I had to make a 2.5h trip to pick up my lady, I told Ms. Google to “Play Music” and one of their songs came through the rotation.…

  • “Mind Blown” — Mrs AWA

    As I was reading Justice Thomas’s wonderful Bruen opinion, I noticed the phrase “protected by the Second Amendment”. This is something he says throughout the opinion. When I started looking for it, I found that when legal people were talking about the Second Amendment, they often (always?) said, “Protected by the Second Amendment” or “Second…

  • Digging into the Numbers, Mood of the Nation Poll

    With a title of Over half of both Second Amendment supporters and Republicans favor universal background checks and gun licensing provisions I had to look deeper. The first thing to know is that this was conducted by a group associated with the U. Penn. It could be a left leaning entity, I’ve not done the…

  • A legal Thought Exercise

    Reader Archer was letting his mind wonder: First, assume the anti-gun lawyers’ claims are correct: 1. Firearms and magazines are only “in use” for self-defense if fired. 2. “Large-capacity magazines” (LCMs) are only “in use” if more than 10 shots are fired without reloading. — Archer. The first step in analyzing a Second Amendment Challenge…

  • Not there yet…

    J.Kb. posted about the case regarding Mexico suing a number of American firearm manufacturers for reasons. Oral arguments were heard in the 1st Cir. on the 24th. I’ve created one of my automatic transcriptions. I have not finished listening nor reading. That is part of the plan for today. The short version seems to be…

  • Geek Rant — Linode/ReadWriteMany – Ceph

    High availability is a concept that says you will have zero downtime. Consider an old world situation. You have a server that is serving exactly one website. On that server you are running an Operating System, a database engine, a web server (Apache/Nginx), an interpreter, and a bunch of code and HTML. In your browser…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    There are many tropes in story telling. One of them is “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. People misjudge others all the time. I recently watched a video of a “prank” gone sideways. A “prankster” filled a gas can with water, went into a parking lot, found somebody sitting in their vehicle, poured the…