Category: …….

  • The holdings of Miller – Updated

    (800 Words) In May 1939, the Supreme Court issued their opinion in United States v. Miller et al. The Western District Court of Arkansas had heard the case earlier. The defendant (bad guy, 2A side) was a no-good, evil, bad man. He was a criminal doing criminal things. The cops had been unable to catch…

  • Plain Text…

    Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer for the Northern District of Illinois just issued her memorandum opinion and order. The gist of this is that she has ruled that grants the states motion for summary judgement. I.e., the state wins. Because the Seventh Circuit court affirmed that Friedman was still good law, the inferior court, the district court,…

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a long week for the family. I have not had much time for the blog. Leave us some feedback in the comments.

  • Our Political Overlords

    I was traveling recently with family when I ran into a couple of issues with my WiFi. There first was at a Days Inn. Free WiFi which I connected to so I could checkup on things. I could not login or even see postings on the site. I then checked a few other sites. All…

  • Kershaw – Select Fire

    This is about a week after I received the knife. So still in the early days. First, notice that I call it a “knife”. That is because it is a knife first, a multi-tool second. This means it can replace my Cold Steel blade. It is noticeably lighter than the Cold Steel blade. It is…

  • 100% Inspection – Updated

    Update: After one of our commenters provided me with the correct term for this type of case, I was able to research “Stepped-cases” and found this is a thing. As a reloader, I understand just how expensive and hard to get powder got. And how much more expensive it is today than 5 years ago.…

  • The arguments get weaker and weaker

    Giffords has stepped in on a PA case with arguments to have the case heard en banc Theses are some of the weakest arguments I’ve seen so far, from the infringers. They are arguing that the panel majority applied a requirement that the regulations presented by the state “need only be ‘relevantly similar’” instead of…

  • Friday Feedback

    The lawsuits are moving forward across the country. It is obvious that the different plaintiffs are working together. A few months ago, we were all waiting for the circuit courts to issue their opinions. My expectation was that we would then see everything end up back in the inferior court for another couple of years…

  • The Little Things Make A Difference

    I first purchased my web tumbler more than 20 years ago, as a ball mill. It has made more than a few pounds of black powder. Today, it is used mostly for cleaning brass. I’ve been looking and looking for better ways of cleaning my brass. There are two different times when I’m cleaning brass,…