Author: Chris Johnson

  • Christopher L. Wilson v. Hawaii

    Christopher L. Wilson v. Hawaii

    In 2017, Mr. Wilson was arrested for trespass. When searched, it was discovered he had a firearm on him. He did not have a license to carry. His case was heard in the lower courts of Hawaii, later it was appealed to the Supreme Court of Hawaii. There, the court found that because he had…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    For your Christmas pleasure: Originally from Neptune’s Daughter.

  • You Get What You Pay For

    You Get What You Pay For

    My first fiber switch turned out to be a L3 managed “switch”. Way cool. But I purchased a cheap switch and found that it completely undocumented. It has taken me a while to figure things out. The configuration GUI is an What You See Is All You Get type. There is enough there that you…

  • Daniel Penny Is Abused By NYC, Again

    Daniel Penny Is Abused By NYC, Again

    In general, people are idiots. In groups, they have a combined IQ of less than 70 and the common sense of a three year old. Daniel Penny is a US Marine who stepped up and protected the people on the subway. He held a homeless, violent, man until the man could be arrested. He was…

  • Healthcare


    One of the ways the left “wins” arguments is by changing the meaning of the words they use. When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. — Humpty Dumpty So, what is healthcare? Healthcare is anything that is caring for your health. That is…

  • The Network Fails, Silently

    The Network Fails, Silently

    In the shadowed depths of night, where silence reigns, A network, once vibrant, now fades in gloom, Its circuits, dead, like spectral, ghostly chains, No longer does it herald or consume. Oh, how the whispers of the web did cease, The humming ceased, the lights went dark, then cold, In digital demise, there found no…

  • Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

    Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

    In 1983, CCITT and ISO merged their network definition to create The Basic Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. This is the “famous” seven layer model. Which works for ISO standards but is a poor match for the Internet. The three layers we are interested in are: Physical layer Data link layer Network layer 1…

  • Convicted Felon

    Convicted Felon

    I wish this were easy. It isn’t. At issue is the number of people claiming that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Like most things legal, the answer is never simple. The reason is that many laws have internal definitions that do not match the definitions in other parts of the law. And there is…

  • Let’s talk about it…

    Let’s talk about it…

    When I was a small kid, I would get in fights with the neighbor kid across the street from me. The parents were cool about it, but were unhappy with the bare knuckle part of the fighting. So, we were issued boxing gloves and went at it with all the grace of two gangly 3rd…