Author: Chris Johnson

  • Bassent v. Dellinger, 24A790 (SCOTUS)

    Bassent v. Dellinger, 24A790 (SCOTUS)

    We’ve talked about the process of litigation in a civil suit. A complaint is filed. In the complaint, the plaintiffs state what they are challenging, why they believe the law supports them, what harm they are suffering, and what relief they seek. The facts in this case are that on Friday, February 7, 2025, Trump…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    I purchased my first motorcycle when I was in the 7th grade. It was a dirt bike, a Yamaha MX80. I feel in love with riding. The only issue I had was that there was no gas station on base. To get gas for my bike I would have had to walk a mile and…

  • Thank You for the tools…

    Thank You for the tools…

    There are a few servers that are too old. There is a need for a few more servers to get a room level redundancy. These things can be expensive. As I’m cheap, I’ve been using older servers that accept 3.5″ disk drives. Some except 2 drives, some 6, some could accept more, but the case…

  • State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

    State of New York v. Donald J. Trump

    A hearing was held on Friday. I expect the judge to issue an order regarding the Preliminary Injunction on Monday. The TRO expired on Friday, so the judge will either issue an order regarding the case. If she is going to go rogue, she will want to have that done on Monday to stop the…

  • SCOTUS Watch Snope and Ocean State Tactical

    SCOTUS Watch Snope and Ocean State Tactical

    Not what I intended to write about. The Court has surprised me, again. Snope and Ocean State Tactical are both distributed for the conference of 2/21/2025. We will near nothing about these cases before then. This puts these cases on track for arguments in the new term. Those oral arguments could be as early as…

  • The United States of America v. New York State

    The United States of America v. New York State

    You might have heard that the DoJ is suing Hochul and James. This is not quite true. They are being sued in their official capacity. So the Governor, Attorney General, and head of the DMV of New York state are being sued. What is the suit about? New York will give a license to illegal…

  • 4D Chess?

    4D Chess?

    Never attribute to malice, that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake., Your enemy is not stupid. In 2016, I was listening to Ben Shapiro, he had a hate on for Trump. He would often say something to the effect, “The people who think Trump…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Tuesday Tunes

    If you watched the DOGE commercials on Sunday, you might have been exposed to a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Here is a slightly better version:

  • State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (25-cv-01144) S.D. New York

    State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (25-cv-01144) S.D. New York

    This is the case out of New York’s Southern District, under the Second Circuit. The Second Circuit is anti-gun and anti-“The People”. The Southern District translates to New York City. If you can find a pro-gun or pro constitution judge in the Southern District of New York, you are doing better than most people. The…

  • Clearances


    Every piece of information the government or military processes has a classification level assigned to it. Currently, the federal government lists four levels of clearances that are associated with classification levels. The other level is “No Clearance”. Information that is classified as “Confidential” could cause damage to national security if disclosed. Note the weasel word…