Author: awa

  • Blog Status



    Ok, Ok, I know it’s not there yet. Thank you so much, everybody, for your support. Base functionality is here. I’ve done no theming yet. I had all the security plugins up and running before the site opened. I’m working towards getting the rest configured. The site is supposed to have an edit option. I…

  • Hello and Welcome



    For those of you coming from,  thank you for following us here. Miguel has kindly allowed us to forward GFZ to The Vine of Liberty. The story of why GFZ shutdown is below the fold.

  • Rahimi



    Short of it, Chief Justice Roberts wrote the opinion of the court.  It seems very narrowly crafted.  It is not a loss for the Second Amendment Community. Held: When an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another, that individual  may be temporarily disarmed consistent…

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a rocky end to the week.  GFZ is closing down.  I will be discussing with Miguel what goes, what stays, how long it is up, what might get archived elsewhere. Currently, there are two official contributors to this site, Hagar and I. I will be posting under my given name moving forward…