Author: awa
Friday Feedback
Introspection This has been a long week of the left showing an enormous amount of introspection, looking at themselves to see why they lost the election… Who am I kidding, the number who are actually looking at themselves appears to be so small compared to the complete melt down of why you are bad for…
Friday Feedback
Nerd Stuff Had all the parts in hand. I opened up the case. Proceed to install the new NIC, another hard drive. Realize I need to go fetch a SATA cable. Go to plug in the power to the drive… Who the heck only puts one SATA power connector in a modern computer power supply!…
Friday Feedback
Networking This week has had a few successes. I was able to upgrade one node to 10 Gbit/second and to hand it some more disk. Everything seems to be working. More upgrades are slowly happening. Physical, OpenVSwitch, OVN, Oh My. Physical networking has many different levels. The easiest, which most people deal with, is Level2…
Friday Feedback
Post Schedules The current scheduling is that I post once per day, unless Ally takes Tuesday Tunes. Monday: Ally — Food Tuesday: Chris — Tuesday Tunes Wednesday: Ally — Politics, From Behind Enemy Lines Thursday: Friday: Chris — Friday Feedback, Ally — Prepping Saturday: Sunday: I’m trying to do at least one Legal post per…
Friday Feedback
Indicators We took my daughter’s care up to have work done on it. The auto shop is a local business doing great work. While there, we got into a discussion with a young lady. She made the statement that she might be trading in her car sooner if the economy improves after the election. I.e.,…
I’m exhausted. I’ve been pulling fiber for the last two days. All part of an infrastructure upgrade. Normally, pulling cable in a modern datacenter is pretty easy. This is not a modern datacenter. The original cable runs were CAT6 with RJ45 connectors. When the cables were installed, the installation had to be nondestructive. No holes…
Friday Feedback
Nerd Babble “Switch in the wrong direction…” oh my, that does sound bad. We use VLANs for isolating network traffic. Our switches will happily forward all VLANs as on all ports. So a tagged VLAN on port 1 will be transmitted to port 2, if port two responds with an answer on the VLAN. It…
Issues update
Three steps forward, 2 steps back, we should be stable. Nerd stuff: We upgraded our infrastructure, again. We moved from a copper to a fiber backbone. Server links are now up to 25Gbit/second. Everything went smoothly until we started our final tests. It appears that the new switch defaulted ports in the wrong direction. This…
Friday Feedback
Personal It has been difficult for me since my Father passed. It isn’t that I interacted with him that much, it is that the safety net is gone. In addition, it turns out that my brother is pretty darn evil. This is as close as I’ve come to talking about his actions in public. In…
Friday Feedback
Another week. What is your favorite childhood food? That dish that takes you back to a happy childhood memory. Politics The New York Times, a “newspaper” and “trusted media source” was out there downplaying the second assignation attempt on Trump. They do such a good job of lying. Kamala should take lessons from them. They…