We Are Not Animals

I am reminded of the image showing a US soldier on a hillside with civilians hiding behind him. The caption reads, “The difference is that we ourselves between them and the enemy, they put them between themselves and their enemies.”

It was, and is, such a powerful message of the differences between the animals and the civilized nations.

One of the more disgusting things I’ve seen out of Gaza was a video of Hamas placing the shattered body of a child into a bomb crater, to be found with a great deal of anguish on the faces of the actors.

The child was already dead. His skull was hanging open. It was disgusting.

I support Israel. I hope they root out every last terrorist bastard and send them to get their 72 raisins.


5 responses to “We Are Not Animals”

  1. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    What Israel is doing provides those who think they can slaughter the Jews in to submission or extermination the opportunity to reconsider their decisions.

    It’s far preferable to exist in a non-violent environment.

  2. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Here’s a thought experiment: Consider two groups in perpetual low-level conflict; call them A and B.

    What would one group do if the other unilaterally decides to disarm? For instance, if Group A decides one day to get rid of all their weapons, what does Group B do? If Group B decides to make a whole bunch of rifles into plows, and uses gunpowder for fertilizer, what’s the overall situation a week later?

    The results of that thought experiment are what I use as a guide to help decide who I think are the “good guys.” (Aside: “None of the above” is a not infrequent outcome of the thought experiment; but not in this case.)

    1. pkoning Avatar

      This quote, attributed to any number of people but apparently originally from Levi Eshkol, captures your point in just one sentence:
      “The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.”

      1. it's just Boris Avatar
        it’s just Boris

        Indeed so.

        I find the general approach to be widely applicable and highly scalable; it also can be used to gain insight on, for instance, a long-standing feud between neighbors.

  3. CBMTTek Avatar

    I cannot begin to describe the level of absolute disgust I have with the news media (and social media as well) because of their attempts to make the Israelis into the aggressors. Every pro hamass and pro-palestine protest I see angers me to no end.

    That the videos of them staging the “dead” are out there and people refuse to believe it is amazing to me. These very same people want the government to stop disinformation from spreading on the internet. Disinformation like hamass faking a child’s death? No… not that disinformation, but the disinformation of exposing the falsehood.

    Everything Israel does in this conflict tries to save as many civilian lives as possible. Everything hamass does tries to destroy as many civilian lives as possible.

    It is not a hot war on the ground, it is a media war.

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