Federal Emergency Management Agency

“Management Agency” is the key here.

In leadership courses we hear the phrase “Either lead, follow or get the fuck out of the way.” There is a strong reason for this, projects fail when leadership is weak.

“A bad decision now is better than a good decision too late,” is another.

What this means is that in a situation where leadership is needed, we need a good leader, and then we need to follow them. If we are not following, then we might be the de facto leader. If we are not following, and we are not leading, we are the problem.

If you want to see a prime example of failed leadership, consider your local PTA. There are reputations at stake, there is money on the table. And there are a dozen voices, all attempting to get their way.

A natural leader has an ability to lead that comes from their nature, and their upbringing. They might have augmented that natural ability with training. They are still few and far between.

Trained leaders are those that have been through training on how to lead. They might be able to lead, but they are likely to be uncomfortable leading. This causes failure in trust and mistakes.

In a disaster, leaders will step up at the time of the event. These will be those that who are natural leaders. The “trained” leaders are likely to be slow to step up, hoping that someone else will take on the mantel of leadership.

This is precisely what we saw in the current disaster. The natural leaders got up and did.

These people heard the call of duty, put their lives on hold, grabbed what they could and went into action. When they arrived at the scene, they self organized. That is to say, leaders stepped forward and did what was needed.

Because they are doers, things got done. The right people were in the right place doing the right thing.

When FEMA arrives, they bring two things with them, a checkbook and “management”.

If the management is good, then they will slide into the existing system, their natural or trained leadership skills will shine through, and they will make it easier for the doers to get things done.

The horrible truth is that the people that FEMA brings to the party are unlikely to be natural leaders. Natural leaders do not find themselves as low-level government employees.

These examples of petty bureaucrats arrive on scene and start following their scripts. Just like they were taught in class.

They start by making an inventory of the goods and capabilities they have on hand. According to the book, this is more important than actually seeing those goods and services being delivered to those in need.

A primary goal is to make sure that those most in need get the help they need. This means holding back on the supplies at hand, to have a reserve for when they find those in desperate need.

Because they are a management team, when they step in, they take over all the prepositioned goods and services.

Being management, they need to make sure that they are rested and prepared for the next day’s work.

As you might guess, this is written from the perspective of the petty bureaucrat. They believe they are doing good. They believe they know better. They believe they are the saviors.

The correct answer is that they should arrive with hat in hand and ask, “how can I help?”. Instead, they know they are supposed to lead, and leaders take control and bark orders.

FEMA is a failure at this point.

That, and they have been used to funnel money to illegal immigrants, makes it all the worse.

“We are from the government, we are here to help.” is a strong indication that it is time for SSS.


3 responses to “Federal Emergency Management Agency”

  1. curby Avatar

    fema is exactly what corporate America has become…. lots of middle management and “anylists” working hard to justify thier employment…..
    too many chiefs and not enough Indians…

    1. Tom from WNY Avatar
      Tom from WNY

      When the Indians, who are doers, start doing, the chiefs feel threatened. They do what threatened people do.

      Instead they should do what servant leaders do; support the doers in accomplishing the mission.

      That’s not what Progressive Elites are hardwired to do.

      1. curby Avatar

        Tom, exactly. and you will be in trouble if you bring up another employee they hired that is a fukup..

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