Operation Grim Beeper

Years ago, my lady discovered that one of my co-workers was plagiarizing content. She brought it to my attention. I reported it to the owner of the company. I cc’ed my boss to keep her in the loop.

When I arrived at work that day, my boss was waiting for me, took me to a private location and started to berate me for going over her head. I listened and waited for her to wind down. “Is it my turn to talk?”

“Yes”, and as soon as I started to speak, she would start up again. I’d wait for her to run down, then ask again. At some point, I asked, “You’ve been yelling at me for 10 minutes, do I have permission to yell back?” “YES!”

She finally let me speak, “You gave me permission to yell, I am not going to…” I did my spoke to her softly, without anger, without pushing into her personal space. It broke her.

She was not prepared to deal with somebody not responding and realized she had gone over the line.

People of all types respond to emotional cues in different ways. One of the easiest ways to make people look bad is to be good when they are not.

Arabs are very “honor” driven. They do not deal well with insults. This is why their screeds against Israel and the United States are filled with so many insults. They expect it to cause us pain.

In the same way, they cannot handle being laughed at. That is a grave insult.

Israel pulled off some super serious psychological damage to the psyche of terrorists, everywhere.

Operation “Below the Belt”, which has been reported as the official name of the operation, is an incredible feat of logistics, intelligence, and technological sophistication.

Israel was so embedded in the inner workings of Hezbollah that leadership decided that they needed to ditch the smartphones that were being used. Instead, they would go low technology, using pager technology.

Pagers do not indicate where they are located. They are simple radio receivers. There is no way to know where an unmodified pager is located. This is the type of security that Hezbollah leadership wanted, and needed.

Israel managed to intercept the shipment(s) of pagers and modify them. At what point in the supply chain this took place is unknown. They were able to modify or replace thousands of pagers. The pagers that were sent on had two known modifications. A couple of ounces of explosive with a thermal trigger, and some modifications to the code to increase the power draw to heat the battery enough to trigger the explosion.

Pagers are carried in pockets or on belts. When leadership handed out pagers to Hezbollah assholes, those assholes put the pagers on their belts or in their pockets.

In the afternoon of the 18th, the devices were triggered. They sounded a beep for an incoming message. Many terrorists assholes were able to take their pagers off their belts or out of their pockets to look at them before the boom.

If they were just holding the pager, there was significant damage done to the hand. If they had brought the pager close to their face, then there was serious eye damage. If they left the pager in their pocket, well, they are looking for their balls now.

This is one of the greatest psychological victories in modern history. These assholes were not martyred. They did not die in battle. They weren’t even in battle.

If they lost their dicks, the 72 raisins they are supposed to get aren’t going to do them any good.

And with no hands and no eyes and no dicks, they are never going to be a threat to people again.

Moreover, the stress this puts on the medical infrastructure is immense.

Well done Israel.

This was a good win and a good place to take a victory lap.

We were doing that lap for Israel, laughing at those dickless, less than wonders.

Israel, was busy lapping the track, again.

On Thursday, they initiated another round of devices exploding. This time on two-way handheld radios. This was not as successful as the original attack, but it still added to the toll.

Again, well done Israel.

So Israel was doing that Victory lap. Well, no. They were busy.

You see, Hezbollah leadership really needed to discuss this new turn of events. They couldn’t use the phone system, they knew that was hacked, they were unable to use pagers to call a central number. And the radios were out too.

So they did the sneaky-sneaky thing. They sent out the word to meet in the super secret place, known only by the trusted leadership.

Well, it just so happened that an Israeli fighter jet was doing that victory lap when this meeting took place. And since they really, really, really, felt the need to celebrate, they decided to set off some fireworks. Mostly sound.

So they dropped some noisemakers. These big ass noisemakers just happened to land right on top of that super secret meeting location. And they were so big, that it disrupted the party.

20 top commanders are dead. The snake’s head has been cut off. The arms and legs (and sausage plus dingle berries) are missing as well. Everybody is scared, or should be scared of coming close to a communications device.

I look forward to learning what new surprises Israel has in store for us. This story can get better, but I have a huge smile on my face tonight.


9 responses to “Operation Grim Beeper”

  1. curby Avatar

    meanwhile in America people are wondering how “they” hacked 2700 pagers attje same time… distraction. don’t ever let the idjits know whats really goin on..

  2. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    The effect of this operation was significant. Evaluation of vulnerability, design and execution were brilliant. Maximum effect on enemy, minimum impact and awesome respect for defender.

    Take note. Concepts are universal.

  3. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    As usual great article. I did note one error, though.

    “Pagers do not indicate where they are located.”

    These did. By a … how shall I put this …,
    “nontraditional one-time-use” method granted; but they sure let people know where they were…

    1. Since I hate to be wrong, There is no way to know where an unmodified pager is located

      We do not know if these indicated their location, they might have. They didn’t need to for operation Grim Beeper

      1. curby Avatar

        mr Boris is being subtle… the pagers indicated thier location when they went -BOOM-…

    2. pkoning Avatar

      A related point is that a lot of terrorists have now been identified, by the fact they are injured — especially if they went to the hospital for their injuries. So I would expect that many of them who unfortunately were not killed this time around will be in the near future, now that their anonymity is gone.

  4. "Lee N. Field" Avatar
    “Lee N. Field”

    And, it’s s surgical operation. Getting leadership. No “they’s bombing innocent civilians!” for the propaganda mill.

    And, they’re flushing out connected individuals. Iranian ambassador? “OK, then.”

    (And, if Hezbollah manages to make an effective communications system outside the nice electronic systems we all use, that will be worth studying too.)

  5. Do not mistake honor with fanaticism. There is NOTHING honorable about Islam or Arabs. They are savages, mentally stuck in the 7th century but having access to 21st century technology. Any questions about the “honor” of Islam and arabs was answered forever a year ago in October. The ONLY rational response the world should have to Islam and those who embrace it is to see it eradicated by whatever means required. The existence of islam or anyone subscribing to it’s instructions is incompatible with a functional society.

  6. Straight Shootr Avatar
    Straight Shootr

    The precision of this is another indication of the concern Israel has for the “innocents” that are unfortunately stuck with the recipients of the, shall we say, unwanted attention.

    If the operation was originated by the Islamists, they would have attempted to kill as many people around the target as possible, and it would have been a quantity of one of the really nasty nerve agents that probably would have wiped out all life within a 100 yard radius.

    But, like dropping leaflets, and roof knocker bombs, the Israelis really limited the operation to mostly JUST the terrorists themselves.

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