How Dumb Do They Think We Are?

Having watched the video of Trump being shot, my first thoughts were of “Thank God he survived the attempt.”

My third though was of grief for the person in the audience who was killed and the other that was injured. This asshole, shooting at Trump, didn’t give a shit who was hit by his shots. In his zeal to kill Trump, he killed a Trump supporter, and likely considered that “good.”

My second thought was, “Why would I give up my guns now? You evil assholes.”

There are many more. It is always the same, “Now that it happened to YOU, you will ban guns, right?”

This is just as revolting as the idiots that post “Now that “People of Color” are buying guns, Republicans will be willing to ban them.”

There isn’t a single drop of blood these vultures won’t use against us.


5 responses to “How Dumb Do They Think We Are?”

  1. Curby Avatar

    ignore the attention seeking dancing monkeys….. We the People are STILL setting NICS records every month.. we need to stop validating idiots who continue to spew the talking points endlessly…

  2. Tantiv V Avatar
    Tantiv V

    I’m not seeing any ‘Republicans’ calling for gun bans. Only some randos on twitter.

  3. How would banning guns for common citizens prevent FLEAs from committing murder with guns?

  4. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Sure, the AR did it. So did the one used by the Tactical Officers responding to provide overwatch during Trump’s extraction. (I could not determine if the counter sniper was using an AR or a bolt gun in a chassis stock.)

    While we are at it, let’s ban Social Media. It is allegedly a forum for radical hate speech. Censor editorialists, they promote division and hate for “the other side”; after the second article, off to “re-education camp” for you. Let’s “counsel and medicate” school yard bullies in to passive behavior. Let’s also ban and confiscate violent video games, they trigger emotions of aggression and allow for virtual skill acquisition. Ban “violent” sports like football,boxing, martial arts, etc.

    Or let’s just try to return to basic, decent values of humanity.

  5. This asshole, shooting at Trump, didn’t give a shit who was hit by his shots. In his zeal to kill Trump, he killed a Trump supporter, and likely considered that “good.”

    Like Trump himself said, they’re not after him, they’re after us. He’s just standing in their way.

    Or as others have said, Trump is an avatar. A symbol. A representation. It’s not about him; it’s never been about him. It’s about what they want to do to all of us.

    Anything they try to do to him, imagine them trying to do to you. Because if they thought they could, you can damn well bet they would.

    And regarding guns and gun rights, if they could adjudicate us ALL felons or mental defectives — and thus render us all “prohibited persons”, with neither 2A nor voting rights — you know they would.

    My prayers go to the family of the innocent bystander victims. They weren’t targeted, they were just “there”. But the shooter was so blinded by his hate for Trump, he did not care about anyone standing near him.