single red rose, black marble, love symbol

R.I.P. LCDR Robert D. Johnson USN Ret

Today my father passed. He was missing his wife, Prue, of 64 years. For the last 4 months, since her passing, he has been asking everybody that talks to him if they have seen Prue.

I believe he is in a better place, with his wife, young and joyful, once again.


7 responses to “R.I.P. LCDR Robert D. Johnson USN Ret”

  1. CBMTTek Avatar

    Very sorry to hear about your loss. It is always tough to lose those you love.
    Remember them in the best positive light. How much of your father is part of you today? Embrace those traits, and memories.

  2. Joseph L. Roberts Avatar
    Joseph L. Roberts

    Absent Friends & Relatives

  3. Tom from WNY Avatar
    Tom from WNY

    Condolences, Chris.

  4. Slow Joe Crow Avatar
    Slow Joe Crow

    My condolences

  5. Jolie Avatar

    Condolences until y’all meet again.

  6. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Words are inadequate at times like these. For what solace they might bring, you have my condolences and prayers for you and yours.

  7. BraulerBob Avatar

    My condolences for your loss.
    May his memory always be a blessing.