From the YouTube description:
The following are a series of war correspondence films from the Simba Rebellion in the Congo in 1964/65 set to the tune of “Roland the Thompson Gunner” by Warren Zevon. The film features a platoon of mercenaries from Europe conducting a platoon attack on the town of Boende in the Cong. The mercenaries primarily come from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Of note, there is an ex-ss officer in the film according to the source, I can’t confirm this, though.
EDIT: The German officer is Siegfried Müller, one of the mercenary captains. He was a Wehrmacht First Lieutenant in World War 2, not an SS officer.
This is the type of war the leftists are pushing for. I fear for my children and grandchildren.
3 responses to “Tuesday Tunes”
If you;re interested, read “Congo Mercenary” by Mike Hoare. Good description of the conflict while he was there.
There’s also Guevera’s ‘Congo Diaries’. One of the less ‘edited’ for propaganda purposes ones they released.
Those who think the violence unleashed will result in a “victory” for their side should watch this video. You will be, at least, witnessing these events for days, not minutes. If not fighting to survive.
Those bleating sheeple who scream for “victory” for their side have no idea what they are wishing for. War and killing, especially if ideologically motivated is ugly & disgusting. The experience doesn’t go away.
It’s why many American veterans suffer from PTSD.
Don’t read the comments on the video. *sigh*