Category: Music
Tuesday Tunes + SCOTUS babble
Next Monday we will see Snope and Ocean State Tactical granted cert or relisted. Right now, there are 100s of lawyers writing briefs for these cases. I expect to see over a thousand pages submitted to the Supreme Court. Bruen was distributed for Conference on 4/1/2021, 4/16/2021, and 4/23/2021. Cert was granted 4/26/2021. The parties…
Tuesday Tunes
There is a light at the end of this tunnel. I think that I might have the new router up and running tomorrow. I’ll be turning down two servers. Many good things happening.
Tuesday Tunes
Sexual assault is a real thing. It happens, way too often. It is likely underreported. The statistics on sexual assault can’t be trusted due to this. In high school, we had to do a mock trial. Because I knew the District Attorney for the area, I spoke to him and asked if he could provide…
Tuesday Tunes
Image you are a school bus driver. You’ve just picked up a load full of elementary school students to take them home. And they start singing “Joy To The World.” Every. Single. Day. That is how we tortured our bus driver.