Category: Case Analysis

  • How I write analysis posts

    B.L.U.F. Fluff piece because I can’t stand reading another word of Bonta’s so called “experts” Through one of my feeds I get a notice of some case that is happening and interesting. If I’m very lucky there will be a link to that case in some way. Most of the time there is not. If…

  • Rupp v. Bonta AWCA Part 2 of 3

    Every court case starts with a question. This is the question that the court will answer. Sometimes the plaintiffs and defendants have different versions of the question The Second Amendment prohibits the government from banning bearable arms that are typically possessed by law-abiding, responsible citizens for lawful purposes. California bans a class of firearms that…

  • Hardaway v. Nigerelli NY CCIA update

    B.L.U.F. The DA for the County of Niagara, NY who is a defendant (bad guys) in this case has filed a brief saying with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals saying that parts of the CCIA are unconstitutional and that the District Judge got it right when they issued a preliminary injunction against the state…