Category: Feedback

  • Friday Feedback

    Some states are just anti-gun. Some states are pro-gun. But some states go out of their way to be nasty to gun owners. New York is my vote for the nastiest of the states right now, what with their Concealed Carry Improvement act. The CCI was challenged and the case was dismissed for lack of…

  • Friday Feedback

    There have been a number of cases filed since the Bruen decision. There have been a number of states that have decided to go off the deep end. What cases are you watching? What is the most surprising thing you’ve seen so far after Bruen? What firearm have you seen and wanted just because of…

  • Friday Feedback

    Hope you all had a good week. For our readers in Florida I hope you weathered the storm safely and if there was any loss it was minor. Friends in the area are reporting that they are all ok. One friend reported that there was significant water leakage which caused part of his dining room…

  • Friday Feedback

    Another week, another slate of bad laws and good events. You, of course, know the drill. Leave the comments. Had a bit of fun yesterday, was able to talk to a young lady from Brazil. She went shooting for the first time now that she lives in the US. Quote: It was very scary. She’s…

  • Friday Feedback

    You know the drill, what sorts of things do you want to hear about? What belt do you use for holding your EDC? If you could go to any firearms training course, what would it be?

  • Friday Feedback

    Hello! Here’s your open commenting section. Feel free to comment as you wish. Anything we can do better? Have you placed your order for the pedo-chipper 3000? What is your favorite way of carrying your daily carry? Does 45-70 kick as much or more than 7.62x54R?

  • Friday Feedback

    Well I remembered this week. Sorry for missing last week. We want to thank everybody that has become members, it is what keeps the site up and running. No new software changes in the last two weeks. We did make some configuration changes to better identify hacking attempts and to better protect the site from…

  • Friday Feedback (on a Saturday night)

    Another week and things are stabilizing a bit more. J.Kb. is back in the grove for the time being and Miguel is pushing out content as well. Sorry for the delay in getting Friday’s Feedback out there. I’m looking for a couple of songs for Tuesday Tunes. Feel free to recommend stuff down below. If…

  • Quick update

    On the front page, where you see a list of different posts, I’ve added a link after the author’s name which is the number of comments. If you click on that link it will take you directly to the comments section of the article.

  • Friday Feedback

    Things have gone mostly smoothly for the blog this week. A configuration error took the blog offline for a short period of time. That was corrected. We also had a security scan done which slowed the site down a little bit while it was going on. Hopefully we won’t have to do that for a…