Category: Feedback

  • Ask Hagar anything

    Hagar has agreed to accept a chance to answer questions from you, our readers. This posting is in the feedback category so anybody can post comments. Questions should be in by Friday, Feb 24th. The comment posting rule still stands, “Don’t be a dick”. Hagar will answer every question you post of her. The answer…

  • Friday Feedback

    I’m still working on my photography. There is a huge learning curve moving from film to digital. For a number of years I used a Nikon Coolpix 900 which I got from my mentor’s estate after he was killed. It produced JPG images. When that died I stopped taking pictures because it was too expensive…

  • Friday Feedback

    Last week we asked if anybody wanted a photo heavy article on a couple of different lever actions. You asked and I’m going to provide. First up is the Winchester ’94. We’ll be showing the differences between pre and post ’64 models. For those that don’t know, In 1964 Winchester changed the design of the…

  • Friday Feedback

    From last week, I am looking at 2A cases happening in the second circuit court. I’m likely to pony up for a PACER account and hope I don’t burn down my bank account in the first few days of access. The great news is that the wheels of justice turned and Alec Baldwin has been…

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to another Friday Feedback. Hagar is onboard to give us an article per week from behind enemy lines. They seem to be getting some good traction. You poor folks are going to have to put up with too many photo reviews coming in soon. Just made out like a bandit at a photography store…

  • Friday Feedback

    We have the results of our polling on Hagar’s article. As of 1900 last night it was 44 91% yes, 6% no and 2% If they make some changes. By the time you are reading this you’ll be able to look at the poll results yourself. As far as infrastructure goes. I have all of…

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to another Friday! It was good to see that people voted for what they wanted to hear about. I hope my BP article was what y’ll were looking for. Anything you would like to hear about, just let us know below. J.Kb. has offered to write some technical geeky stuff about metals and guns…

  • Making Black Powder

    Warning: these procedures create a low explosive. You can hurt yourself or others if you do something stupid. When I was in a situation where I had lost my home I had to move into temporary housing for a bit. I could not take my firework chemicals with me. I needed to dispose of them.…

  • Friday Feedback

    Merry Christmas to you all! If you know somebody that is alone this Christmas season, make sure you reach out to them to let them know that they are not truly alone. For those serving that are away this Christmas season, I wish you safe travels and hope you find you way home soon. We…