Category: Cases

  • Lawyers are strange?

    Lawyers are strange?

    Barnett v. Raoul, 3:23-cv-00209, (S.D. Ill.) is one of the cases filed in response to the Illinois Bruen tantrum. It was opened January 24, 2023. It was decided at the district court level in favor of The People. It was part of the group of cases that went to the Seventh Circuit where Judge Easterbrook…

  • U.S.A. v. Jackson

    U.S.A. v. Jackson

    One of the hard things to accept is that so many inferior courts think that when a case is vacated and remanded, it isn’t for good reason. The courts speak in polite ways. You don’t call out a judge for being an idiot. No matter how often they open their mouth to remove all doubt.…

  • When the Arguments Are that Bad: Nguyen v. Bonta

    When the Arguments Are that Bad: Nguyen v. Bonta

    This case involves California’s one gun per month infringement. On Dec 18, 2020, nearly 4 years ago, Michelle Nguyen and others filed a complaint against Xavier Becerra, the Attorney General of California asking for injunctive and declaratory relief. Because this happened before the Bruen opinion issued, it is couched in terms of Heller and levels…

  • When the State wants more weasel words

    When the State wants more weasel words

    The state is constantly looking for weasel words in Supreme Court opinions to further their arrogant subjugation of their subjects. We see this in how they misconstrued the language of to claim that the Second Amendment only protects militias. We see this when they misconstrue to mean that “presumptively constitutional” means that any infringement is…

  • Alec Baldwin Gets Away with Murder?

    Alec Baldwin Gets Away with Murder?

    Alec Baldwin’s case was dismissed with prejudice. What does this mean, IANAL view point Alec Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter after he shot and killed his cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. The relevant facts: Alec Baldwin was holding a real gun. Alec Baldwin pointed the gun at a person. Alec Baldwin cocked the gun (pulled the…

  • Case Dismissed, They Miss Trump, Again

    Case Dismissed, They Miss Trump, Again

    There were several cases GVRed at the end of June. This is one of the methods the Supreme Court uses to communicate with the inferior courts. What they are doing is telling the inferior courts, all of them, that this opinion we issued, applies to these sorts of cases. The Loper Bright case was the…

  • When the Court is tired of the state’s BS

    When the Court is tired of the state’s BS

    In August 2022, Thomas and Diane Lamarco filed suit in the eastern district of New York. This is a different challenge to §922(g). If you read §922(g), or you are familiar with from 4473, you know there is a long list of people that are prohibited from possessing firearms. We are currently arguing about the…

  • The GVRs

    The GVRs

    What is a GVR? The process for an appeal is to request that a case be heard. When the superior court Grants that appeal, the case is moved to a final opinion. One of the possible outcomes is that the inferior court’s opinion is Vacated. When an inferior court’s opinion is vacated, the superior court…

  • Harrel v. Raoul, Denial of Certiorari

    The State of Illinois enacted a law that makes it a felony to possess what Illinois branded “assault weapons,” a term defined to include AR–15s. See Ill. Comp. Stat., ch. 720, §5/24–1.9(a)(1)(J)(ii)(II) (West 2023). “The AR–15 is the most popular semi-automatic rifle” in America and is therefore undeniably “in common use today.” Heller v. District…

  • Immunity for official acts

    Immunity for official acts

    JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR has thoroughly addressed the Court’s flawed reasoning and conclusion as a matter of history, tradition, law, and logic. I agree with every word of her powerful dissent. I write separately to explain, as succinctly as I can, the theoretical nuts and bolts of what, exactly, the majority has done today to alter the…