Category: …….

  • Stupid is as Stupid Does

    I recently picked up 8.75 inches of 5.5 DuraBar, a type of cast iron. This is to become the backplate for a lathe chuck. Friday afternoon, I started work on the backplate. Since I repaired me horizontal bandsaw, cutting 2.75 inches off the bar was trivial. While the saw was working its way through those…

  • I Was Just Following Order!

    Paul Koning says: April 18, 2024 at 8:20 am You stated that the judge is required to follow the rulings of higher courts. I see two problems with that blanket statement. First, there’s also the ruling of the Supreme Court. Second, the Constitution is a higher authority than any court, and if a judgement is…

  • What does the state want to discover?

    Continuing from our last article, Cases are won and lost before they are heard, we look at . The state wants discovery. They put the plaintiff’s (good guys) reasoning as: Plaintiffs’ position: Plaintiffs’ position is that no discovery is required in this case, which presents a pure question of law to be resolved by the…

  • Friday Feedback

    When I was nerding, I was complaining about the amount of effort I was going through to just display a line of text with proper word wrapping. I introduce you to, QTextLayout which does exactly that. I’m in the process of debugging the newly re-written code. 3 steps forward, two steps back. Regardless, I feel…

  • Cases are won and lost before they are heard

    Back in January 2024, Judge Suddaby slapped New York State around. At issue was a requirement that people who were living in public subsidized housing were required to enter into a contract that forbid firearms on housing grounds. The contract was a complete ban on keeping or bearing arms within the housing properties. Because Judge…

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

    There was a snarky comment recently wondering what language I dream in. Not so snarky, actually. If you were to ask my lady what language I dream in, she would be likely to answer, “I don’t know, but he types on my back in his sleep.” Yes, I program in my sleep. I code while…

  • Tuesday tunes

    I grew up listening to my parents’ music. I later started listening to WCMS 99.9FM. “Almost Perfect Radio” Their original was “Western and Country Music Station”. Most of the music my parents owned had been transferred to reel-to-reel tape. This is actually a real problem. There were a couple of “albums” that I wish I…

  • Threat Assessment

    Saturday was my monthly outing to interact with people. Always a stressful thing for me. Part of that stress was aggravated because I couldn’t find the holster for my preferred firearm for “polite company that isn’t Gun People.” Which meant that I was carrying a 1911 instead of a Sig. That Sig is so small…

  • Text, History, and Tradition. Really?

    The other day I was reading Bruen, again. I was looking up that standard mantra, “When the plain text of the Second Amendment is implicated, the burden shifts to the state or prove a history and tradition of regulation.” That is not what Bruen says. Today, we decline to adopt that two-part approach. In keeping…

  • Nerd Babble

    TL;DR; How to solve problems that should already have been solved vs. reinventing the wheel. I have been programming in Python for a few years now. I like the amazing libraries it has, plus the power of the language. I dislike that it has weak typing. In the languages I’ve used in the past, you…