Category: …….

  • Malicious Compliance and Subpoenas

    One of the dirty facts about technology is that it will always be used to abuse people. Those wonderful field telephones? Yeah, they work just fine as a torture device. The first photographs were interesting, but photography really took off when they started taking “pornographic” images. The story is that the first really popular recordings…

  • Site Change

    We have turned off the restriction on who comments. It is now back to the old method. If you have an account, and you are logged in, that will work. If you are not logged in, then it will ask for your email, name and optional website. More info tomorrow.

  • Ronald Koons v. Attorney General New Jersey, ECF No. 107

    Normally in one of these articles, I would be quoting their words, pointing out how horribly wrong the state is, how the state is cheating, lying or otherwise attempting to put their thumb on the scales of justice. Not so today. The attorneys representing the Senate President and General Assembly Speaker do a good job…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    On July 21st, 1861, the first battle of the War of Northern Aggression was fought. Just weeks prior, a Major in the Yankee army wrote a heartfelt letter to his love, his wife, the mother of his children. Because he was an educated man, his letter is educated. It still pulls at the heart, all…

  • Happy Labor Day

    (1750 Words) We live in a society of people actively attempting to pervert history.  We have evolved myths that have no true connection to historical reality.   The uneducated and under educated of the country then make decisions based on myth and emotion.  Often to the long-term detriment of our country. There is a concept of…

  • Communications

    TL;DR; Go to DiveMedic’s site and read everything he has on radios and communications. He covers it much better than I can. Area Ocho His website is on my “must read” daily list. He is quite knowledgeable in many areas. Having said that, the next thing to know is that communications is shit in an…

  • That Was Fun… NOT (status report)

    The alarm went off, I opened my blurry eyes and reached for my phone. Click… click… 03?!?!!? I started looking. I log into my server from my phone, clicking away to get a status. The database engine is in a crashbackoff loop. About that time, I noticed that Miguel had contacted me with a very…

  • Boo-boo, Blowout, Comprehensive, swing and a miss

    My wife was at work today at a mandatory staff meeting. They were going to be doing some team building, setting up team goals, and in general introducing management to the staff. My went to sit down and managed to crush her finger in the moving parts of the folding chair. Instant pain and blood.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    I thoroughly enjoy songs that tell a story. Unfortunately for you all, that means bluegrass and country. Either that or I’ll have to torture you with musicals. The version from the album: And an extra: I found this musical accidentally.

  • state v. state?

    When I write about cases, legislation and events, I use the term “state” or “the state” to represent the Government. It doesn’t matter if it is the federal, state, or local government. It doesn’t matter if it is a rule promulgated by an agency or a city ordnance. In all cases, it is still “the…