Category: …….

  • Friday Feedback

    It was a big week at the Supreme Court. The Court heard its second Second Amendment case in a year. The odds say we should get the opinion sometime around June 2024. The left is going on about how this will be a slam dunk win for the state and gun infringers everywhere. MSNBC went…

  • New Work Stuff

    One of my clients has a strong base of developers out of his home country. His people are very sharp, very good. They deliver excellent results. If you ever need Drupal developers, I’ll put you in touch with him. His company works with some of the best educational institutions in the country, delivering top-notch results.…

  • “Stupid Is As Stupid Does,” The Hill

    [visual-link-preview encoded=”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”] The Hill starts by telling use that the Rahimi case is about “red flag” laws. It isn’t. Of all the dumb takes that they could make, this is likely the dumbest. It does have a strong emotional punch, though. They attempt to blame “skyrocketing” gun deaths on the opinions of the Supreme Court.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    The first couple of times this came on my feed, I was unhappy. “When I die, I don’t wanna go sober.” sounds like such an unhappy ending. My lady said something about how she really liked the song. I had to listen again. This is not about being an alcoholic. Later, I stumbled across their…

  • Gear Review, WWII Reproduction Web Gear

    Recently, I wrote about my WWII reproduction web gear for around the house carry. The short of it is that I really like it. It is adjustable enough, it is comfortable. Later this week, I’ll have a period correct medical pouch to go with it. All of this means I’ll have a functional, modernly equipped,…

  • Networking – 101

    B.L.U.F. All about networking. That “and anything else we can think of.” (??? words) I was asked to recommend a “Wi-Fi Router”. Unfortunately, that is not a simple question because it has implied assumptions that further complicate it. So we start with the two primary types of networking, point to point and broadcast. History The…

  • Friday Feedback

    Another week, another change. Hagar finally got me the new fonts. I am responsible for the final look in our header. If you don’t like it, you can say so. If you like it, that would be nice to hear as well. It has been a long week at this end of the keyboard. The…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    (Don’t you hate it when you forget how many days a month has? I do. I accidentally scheduled this for tomorrow) This has come across my music feed numerous times. By the time Tuesday rolls around, I’ve forgotten what it was I planned to share with you. I remembered enough to go find it.

  • Miller v. Bonta, Stayed pending Appeal

    (550 words) As predicted, the opinion of Judge Benitez was appealed to the Ninth Circuit court. There it went before a three judge administrative panel, just like Duncan v. Bonta should have. Two members of the panel decided to grant the stay pending appeal as an administrative stay. The third judge, Circuit Judge Callahan, did…

  • Friday Feedback

    We’ve had another case make it through oral arguments at the appellate court level. An interesting extra happened over in the Third Circuit Court, they immediately requested that the parties order a transcript of the oral arguments. I think this is so that there is a full and complete record when this is appealed to…