Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)

  • Reloading: Presses – Part 3

    (1700 Words) The simplest press is a single stage press. When starting with range brass, selected for the caliber you wish to reload, you start with an inspection. Then you deprime/decap the case. You select the correct shell holder for your cases. For 5.56×45 it is a #4 shell holder. This is installed at the…

  • Reloading: Too Much About Primers – Part 2

    (3100 words) I’ll be addressing comments from Part 1 at the end of this article. To make a cartridge, you need to place a primer in the case, then add powder to the case, and finally place a bullet in the mouth of the case. The thing that starts your freedom downrange is the spark…

  • Reloading: Why do it? – Part 1

    There are only a couple of reasons to reload: You can’t find the cartridge you want You want to save money You want to improve your rifle/ammunition’s capability You want to have another skill If you want to step up and improve your weapon system’s capabilities, I’m the wrong person to be listening to. I…

  • Friday Feedback

    Wednesday, I took some newly made rounds out to the test range to give them a try. We had steel and baby pumpkins as targets. I was testing Winchester #41 military small rifle primers. I was also comparing Rocky Mountain Reloading’s 55gr metal jacket boat tail and Hornady 55gr Soft points. It was so fun…

  • Are the Infringers Running Out of Go Juice?

    B.L.U.F. Brady’s amici curiae is extremely weak, replaying old, disproved arguments. (900 words) It gets tiring reading the same old arguments from the state, state actors, and state supporters. Heller tells us that if the plain text of the Second Amendment is implicated by the proposed conduct, then it is the burden of the state…

  • And don’t forget the ‘knowledge’ to USE all those tools

    This! OldNFO added this as a comment on one of my posts. It used to be said that what separates us from the animals is our ability to use tools. They no longer say that, as there are some animals that do use tools, it is still a good differentiator. It is all well and…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Before I was as political as I currently am, I didn’t really care which dancing monkey was performing. I only cared that their dance was good. In 1994, a movie came out that I took my kids to see. It was fun, it was funny. And there was this club scene… Oh my goodness. The…

  • Sometimes it’s nice to have a machine shop

    I got done with my 8mmx57 Mauser reloads yesterday. Moving on to 5.56×45 NATO today. There were over 500 clean cases in the “cleaned 5.56 brass” can. All of it needed to be sized and checked for max case length. The 10th case squeaked when it went in. It didn’t come out, instead the rim…

  • K98 Fun

    There is 8mmx57 out there. Some of it cheap. Unfortunately, for me, most of it is berdan primed. For those that don’t understand the importance of that statement, there are two types of primers that are currently used, “berdan” and “boxer”. Boxer primers are made in two parts, a cup, with primer material, and an…

  • What Judges do…

    I watch Mark Smith’s Four Boxes Diner YouTube channel because he explains legal concepts clearly. He often addresses issues that I’m concerned with understanding. There are more than a few things I’ve picked up from him, as far as language goes. One of those is “inferior court”. Article III of the US Constitution establishes the…