Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)

  • Reloading, what’s next

    There have been many comments talking about progressive presses and other ways of accelerating the reloading process. Before you can decide which path you are going to take, you need to consider exactly what your needs are. When I was commuting to one of my clients once a week, I would go to the range…

  • Reloading: From Start To Complete – Part 11

    (Word 4400> Choose what you are going to reload I will be reloading 5.56×45, 9×19, and .45 ACP. Acquire The Tools You Need Get your reloading Bible(s)!!!! Because this is my first time reloading, I chose the Lee Precision Anniversary Challenger Kit. This gets me a single stage press, powder scale, some brass prep tools,…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    One of my favorite Christmas Albums

  • For Christmas

    If you want the longer version: This is something we listened to when I was a child. Well, more of a child.

  • Another Rogue Judge, Capon and NAGR v. Campbell D. Massachusetts

    B.L.U.F. A rogue, agenda driven, judge in Massachusetts finds that “Assault Weapons” and “Large Capacity Magazines” can be banned because the Supreme Court didn’t thing “common use” through. And besides, they are dangerous, so they can be banned. (3600 words) Just skimming through the first part, which for the most part is the background of…

  • Quick Recap of a few cases

    Duncan v. Bonta 23-55805 (9th Cir). The 9th circuit granted a stay pending the outcome of the appeal. They will be hearing oral arguments on March 18, 2024. This means that The People living in California will be deprived of their civil rights until the 9th returns their opinion. This is sickening because the Supreme…

  • Friday Feedback

    We had great news out of California, surprisingly. The court in Reno May v. Robert Bonta has issued an injunction: Plaintiffs, who are concealed carry permitholders and related organizations, brought these two lawsuits against California to challenge the constitutionality of many of SB2’s “sensitive place” provisions. They now seek a preliminary injunction enjoining California from…

  • Things You Learn (while reloading)

    Imperial Resizing Wax works great at keeping your brass from getting stuck in your dies. Imperial Resizing Wax doesn’t want to come off your brass unless it is onto a clean white dress shirt. Purple Power degreaser on a paper towel takes off the wax. Removing Imperial Resizing Wax from 100 cases makes my fingers…

  • Reloading: Tests – Part 10

    (2450 words) When you choose a firearm, you choose it for a reason. Yes, I have some firearms that are in the safe because they followed me home. But there are many more that were picked for a reason. We pick our firearms for looks, for the feel in the hand, the cool factor, the…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    My family use to watch Bing Crosby Christmas Specials every Christmas. Hagar happened to mention that she truly enjoyed the David Bowie and Bing Crosby version of this song. I will also note that she pointed out that if some kid showed up and started playing a drum around my baby, just as I got…