Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)
NRA, a move towards a better future?
At one time, I was a member of the NRA. My mentor gave me that membership. The legislative announcements we received were useful. We submitted testimony three times, I spoke before the Maryland Senate committee that was looking at infringement bills. Every time, it was the NRA that gave us the heads-up. It was the…
You Guys Are Amazing!
I am a “hobby” machinist. I’ve read some books, I’ve watched 1000s of YouTube videos. I’ve even been in the shop and made things. But I’m still a hobby grade machinist. Occasionally, there are things that you just don’t know you don’t know. The bible for machinists is the Machinery’s Handbook. It contains maths, it…
Friday Feedback
Thank you, everybody who has given me feed back on the reloading series and on my dreams of building the Casinater. The court cases are starting to ramp up, I’ll be digging into those a bit more as progress happens. My wife told me that when she sees an article with countless words and numerous…
The Casinator, 1St Draft
I have all the raw materials in hand, as well as the motor and power supply. The 5 mm drive belt material is somewhere in the reloading supplies. It is the material I used to make a replacement belt for the wet tumbler when the original, 20-year-old belt broke. Is this a commercial design? No. The…
Judge McGlynn is just Done
The Seventh Circuit court ignored the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bruen and decided that Illinois did nothing wrong when they held their Bruen tantrum to bass PICA. The case got dumped back in Judge McGlynn’s lap. The plaintiffs filed motions for things to help The People. Judge McGlynn denied them, but in writing that denial…
Tuesday Tunes
There was a time when I had the luxury of going shopping for movies and music every Friday. The family would get in the car, and we would drive over to Circuit City and look through the new movie releases. As we were looking through the movies, I heard a nice five string quartet on…
Welcome to the New Year!
Welcome to the beginning of another year of crisis. One and a half years after the Supreme Court issued their opinion in the Bruen case, not a single Second Amendment challenge has been resolved. Every state that had Draconian infringements now has worse infringements. After Bruen I was hoping to get a permit to carry…
Networking Glitches – Update
My original router was Vyatta running on a virtual machine on at PC. 100baseT connections I upgraded that to an EdgeRouter X by Ubiquiti. The base software was built on Vyatta. The EdgeRouter X is dual core 800Mhz MIPS cpu with 4 (or 5?) Gig-E ports. The EdgeRouter X was unable to keep up with…
What’s a Little Moot between Enemies?
(1100 words) My friend, Jim, use to tell me, “Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.” Does anybody who reads this blog believer that Rob Bonta actually believes the stuff he peddles about every California infringement being “constitutional?” Who here believes that Judge Easterbrook of the Seventh Circuit and his…
Friday Feedback
I hope you all had a great Holiday Season. Thank you to all of our readers. You are what keeps us going. Well, at least me. I’m hoping for some short articles this weekend (yeah, AWA, you wouldn’t know a short article if it bit you in the arse.) There are some interesting cases moving…