canadian attorney clowning around and banging the gavel on his head

State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (S.D. New York 25-cv-01144)

Actual filing in the case:

Dear Judge Englemayer,

Currently there is an Operation of DOGE, a highly questionable Agency of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, rummaging through US Government Financial, Treasury, CFPB, DOJ Files etc looking for Messy Dirty Scandalous Materials etc.

Recent US history reveals MAMMOTH financial crimes and criminal networks at the heart of TRILLIONS of financial looting, laundering, and many other RACKETEERING ACTIVITIES. USDA, FHA, FHLB, FANNIE, FREDDIE, SALLIE, FDIC, FSLIC, USAID, Soc Sec, DOD, FERS, DOT, DOD Financial Accounts and many others have been robbed for enormous sums of money, assets and Real Property etc etc etc.


BING search link

The enormous FISHING EXPEDITION and HUNT for SARS information and DIRT on Political Opposition is being directed by Donald Drumpft Trump who is an ACTIVE AGENT OF CIA and the SECRETIVE GROUP KNOWN AS “Trump January 6th MAGA Mobsters”.

It gets worse from here.


4 responses to “State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (S.D. New York 25-cv-01144)”

  1. CBMTTek Avatar

    That has to be satire/parody.
    There is no way anyone over the age of 12 wrote that and actually filed it in a court.

    Than again… We are dealing with leftists, who have never really matured to adulthood.

    This actually reminds me a bit of the courtroom scene in Idiocracy. Where the prosecutor’s argument is something like, “He TOTALLY! did it.”

  2. curby Avatar

    sounds like a mentally ill liberals idea of a bad movie plot. the lunatics are freaking out

  3. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    The sad thing is, it probably seemed to make perfect sense to the person who sent it.

    Hey, weird, I’m talking in bold now.

  4. Rude Guest Avatar
    Rude Guest

    It looks like the pap that a LLM “AI” puts out. Whoever drafted that should have been pulled aside and asked if they really want to be fired.

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