I’ve been in the Psycho wars for the last couple of weeks. One poster tells me how this action is illegal, this other poster tells me it is constitutional.
This person tells me that Mexico backed down. This other guy informs me that Trump backed down.
I’m told that we are about to get into a shooting war with Panama, and then the Panamanian president tells me he’s caved.
Over here, I’ve got the Governor of Canada notifying me that he’s going to ruin my week by putting tariffs on the goods coming into his state. Then I have this person explaining how his state has lots of “salty” crude oil. Which can only be processed at one US refinery. So according to this person, he has to send his crude to the US, at a 25% tariff, then we will refine it, and then his people will import it and face another 25+% tariff.
Really, somebody needs to take this to SCOTUS. The constitution clearly states that this sort of interstate squabbling isn’t supposed to happen.
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