Confirmation Hearings

The world is changing. When Judge Bork was being attacked by Joe Biden and the Democrats on the Senate confirmation committee, it was something new.

We had never seen a Supreme Court nominee being so maligned. It was the dirty tricks writ large and in color.

Justice Thomas had another slanderous hearing. He was strong enough to withstand the verbal attack, thank goodness.

It has become the expected action of the Democrats.

At the end of Obama’s presidency, he was attempting to push forth a “moderate” for the Supreme Court. An asshole named “Garland”. Ally was unhappy that Garland wasn’t given a full hearing before the Senate, much less a hearing before the committee. It didn’t feel “fair” to her.

I tried to explain that no matter how good Garland might be, he isn’t as good as anybody a Republican might nominate.

Today, Pet Hegseth was in the sights of the Democrats.

Senator after Senator went low. The difference is that Pete was expecting it. He took their slings and arrows without ranker and fired back winning salvos.

WARREN: “You’re quite sure every General who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for 10 years, but you’re not willing to make that same pledge?”

HEGSETH: “I’m not a General, Senator.”

*Audience laughs*

And he sits there with a smirk because little Lizzy has no idea what she is walking into.

The times they are a changing.


One response to “Confirmation Hearings”

  1. CBMTTek Avatar

    First step in avoiding a trap is to know there is a trap.
    Good on Hegseth. And, I hope every nominee from now on is equally prepared.