Just Some Filler


4 responses to “Just Some Filler”

  1. curby Avatar

    we are not a democracy…. nyt, theres an unbiased newspaper… the truely scary thing is not harris running, its that some are actually going to vote for it..

  2. Joseph L. Roberts Avatar
    Joseph L. Roberts

    Fear and Loathing from the Left

    With my apologies to Mr. Hunter S. Thompson

  3. Did Trump campaign from Arlington National Cemetery? Or did he go and pay his respects, and a bunch of media cameras followed him? I don’t recall hearing about him giving any speeches or statements from there.

    “The Constitution is Sacred. Is it also Dangerous?”

    Yes. It’s designed and intended to put the government and the People on equal footing, so that the government cannot run roughshod over the People’s rights with no consequences. The Second Amendment in particular guarantees We The People can enforce our own rights with force, should that become necessary; the government is not entitled to a “monopoly on force”.

    Does that make the Constitution “dangerous”? Yes … to the government. By design.

    “Is the Constitution Obstructing American Democracy?”

    Yes, and again, by design; America is not a democracy, it is a representative republic. The Founders intended to ensure that 50%+1 of the population could not vote away the rights of the rest, or vote to install a king/emperor/strongman against the wishes of the rest.

    “Elections are Bad for Democracy”

    Do these people even hear themselves? Elections CANNOT be bad for democracy, elections ARE democracy. There’s no form of democracy that doesn’t have elections. No elections == no democracy.

    Now, “Elections are Bad for Democrats” might have been an accurate headline, and would do much to explain the post-midnight shenanigans we saw in 2020 and will likely see tried in November. And maybe that’s the issue; the low-IQ guest writers and lower-IQ editors at the NYT want to use the words “democracy” and “Democrat” synonymously. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they think the words really are synonymous, and North Korea really is a “Democratic People’s Republic” like it says, and the problem is obviously the “Republic” part. Or maybe the “People” part.

    (Or third option: Because North Korea says it’s a “Democratic People’s Republic”, and because Venezuela has “elections” that just happen to re-elect the same strongman over and over, they believe that’s what real democracy looks like … and want it here … as long as it’s their strongman.)

    1. pkoning Avatar

      More precisely, the purpose of the Constitution is to put the government below the people — not “on equal footing”.