There was a time when I had the luxury of going shopping for movies and music every Friday. The family would get in the car, and we would drive over to Circuit City and look through the new movie releases.

As we were looking through the movies, I heard a nice five string quartet on the store speakers. I asked what the group was, found the disk and went to purchase it.

My eldest daughter, a freshman in high school, took one look at the cover and accused me of buying the album because the cover art showed some fine ladies.

If this is a repeat, sorry.


4 responses to “Tuesday Tunes”

  1. ragnar_d Avatar

    Oh, that definitely drug something out of the memory banks. I don’t know how I found them, but I listened to them quite a bit in college (engineers are a bunch of weirdos with some of the most random music tastes ever, just saying). I’m pretty sure I’ve got four of their albums buried in my iTunes vault somewhere. I believe that Fuego and Victory were a couple of my favorites, but I remember most of their catalog being enjoyable to listen to.
    And, I mean, your daughter isn’t wrong either. There is a certain . . . visual appeal to them that certainly helped grab my attention back then.

    1. Rob Crawford Avatar
      Rob Crawford

      I will confirm your observation on engineers’ music tastes.
      And I will suggest Medieval Baebes for eye candy and good music, if you’re into medieval music.

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    Discovered them through Pandora. Forget what station or style of music I had going on randomly, but I heard music that just stuck with me. Had to hear more of it.
    And, the fact that the ladies are easy on the eyes is not a drawback as well.

  3. O2HeN2 Avatar

    Another engineer, another string quartet fan. Here are two others to listen to:
