Boland v. Bonta – Update

The Ninth Circus Court three judge panel has again displayed its dislike for the rights of The People by staying the district courts preliminary injunction against the state.

The District Court found that the plaintiffs(good guys) were likely to succeed on the merits and had all the other requirements to be granted a preliminary injunction. In order to keep things from yo-yoing the court put a 14 day stay in order for the state to appeal to the Ninth Circus Court.

The preliminary injunction is stayed as to the chamber load indicator and magazine disconnect mechanism requirements of California’s Unsafe Handgun Act.Order of the Ninth Circuit Court

The Ninth Circus Court is ordering opening brief by April 28, 2023 (bad guys). Answering brief by May 26, 2023 from the good guys. And the reply from the bad guys within 21 days of the answering brief being filed.

This means that the Ninth Circus will not hear the case until at least June, likely longer. In the meantime only the microstamp requirement is enjoined.

Hagar says I shouldn’t call people names, it makes me smaller. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has earned the title “Ninth Circus Court”. At one point I read that by percentages or absolutes, I don’t remember which, more of the Ninth’s cases have been overturned at the Supreme Court than any other Appellate Court.

Normally I just let one “circus” slip through, the these three dunces have earned not only dunce caps, but clown noses as well.