Friday Feedback

We have the results of our polling on Hagar’s article. As of 1900 last night it was 44 91% yes, 6% no and 2% If they make some changes.

By the time you are reading this you’ll be able to look at the poll results yourself.

As far as infrastructure goes. I have all of the sites as they existed before that machine was turned off. I was about to start bringing the discourse site back online when a client site went down. I didn’t think that was resolved until 0400. At 0900 the client called me to tell me that it wasn’t really resolved so I continued fixing the site until it was up again.

This sort of took the upgrade to WP 6.1 on hold as well as bringing up our video and discourse servers.

As long as there are no more emergencies this week, I should have time to get that done this weekend.

I’ve taken to not showing polling results until the poll closes. Do you prefer to see the poll results as the poll runs or do you prefer waiting until the poll closes?

There is a fair bit of action happening in 2A cases. New ones are filed almost daily it seems.

Thank you again to all of you that support us by being members, commenting, reading, and sharing. It means a great deal to us.

Are there any subjects you are interested in directly? More of J.Kb’s short stories? Something in particular from behind enemy lines? A particular court case that you would like me to research and report on?

Feel free to let us have it in the comments below. Remember that everybody can comment on Friday Feedback, it is not a members only article.


3 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. Bad Dancer Avatar
    Bad Dancer

    Prefer to see the results after the poll is closed myself.

    As for topics maybe something about how 10MM is the best caliber.

    That aside would just like to hear about any guns or gear ya’ll are interesting in thats upcoming. Rock Island has a new 17+1 pistol that has an interesting new recoil system and a square barrel.

    1. b-zh Avatar

      new steel on the market??!? BD, you know the rules… POST a link to the retailer’s spec sheet.. some of us are junkies.

  2. b-zh Avatar

    I always like updates on court cases… and I also know it’s pretty busy in that arena, especially right now…

    Here’s another beat down gun controllers are taking, this time the executive branch and it’s ATF overreach of congressional power.

    Checks and balances and the triumvirate are a very powerful idea. Let’s hope our high courts hold fast and continue to tell these hoplophobes to ffuuuuuuuuuk off.