Friday Feedback



Welcome to the weekend!

We’ve made it through another week.

I think the biggest thing I’ve heard to-date is simply this: We need to focus on the candidates for president, not their VPs.

JD Vance is a better candidate than Walz, by far. No matter how much of a scumbag Walz might be, we need to focus on policy.

Kamala has not given an interview in 27 days? She has failed as VP, we need the people to know that she will fail as president.

There have been a couple of wins for the 2nd over the last week. Things are starting to break free. I think that one of the most significant changes in the circuit courts has been the dissenting judges being willing to stand up and call out the rogue judges for stomping on The People.

I’m working on decommissioning my Kubernetes cluster. I’ve already torn down the local “test” version. The cost is too high for the benefits.

The number of “supporting” containers is ridiculous. Each container takes a bit of memory. These containers suck the memory from the host nodes, causing instability.

As an example, there are three containers that run constantly to handle SSL certificates. They are needed once every 90 days per certificate and once when a new certificate is needed. That’s a bit of resources for something that isn’t really needed constantly. There are 23 running as k8s command and control.

I’m moving back to old school stuff.

The comments are open, let us know your thoughts.


3 responses to “Friday Feedback”

  1. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Agree re the VPs. Each is well matched to the candidate; fine and done.

    Now let’s talk about policy positions, trustworthiness and intent

    Of course, Ms Harris is following pretty much the same playbook as Mr Obama did – hope, hype, and don’t talk about track records (or lack thereof).

    In all honesty, I’m at least as concerned about Congressional races. That’s where the power lies to make and rescind law, after all, and in the face of a strong Congress a malicious President faces severe hurdles.

  2. i think 50 years from now the “who shot Trump and who shot the shooter” question will still be unanswered and bandied about like the 85 million jfk conspiracy theories…. and have yall noticed the Trump campaign adds two weeks ago were “harris has raised 400 million bucks her first week”…. and today I saw one “harris has raised over 200 million “…. kinda bothers me that one: the amounts change and two: politics ALWAYS devolve into grade school drama about who raised more fukkin money! I don’t care what liberals raise. how about focus on what you are planning to do for our Country instead of whing/ beggin for money..end of rant… yall are doing a phenomenal job with this page, thank you for all that you do…

  3. I think we *have* to consider policy, going forward. The “who,” for better or worse, is now picked. Short of someone dying, it’s going to be Trump facing Harris. Done and done.

    We need (or maybe I need) to compile a list of what each candidate has done. Not what they’ve talked about, or bragged about, or insulted each other about, but what they have actually accomplished.

    As someone flirting with the Left, I can say that the question y’all sometimes ask is not a good one. “Are you better today than you were four years ago?” It seems like it should be a no-brainer, but the Left would much rather live impoverished and subjugated than give up free stuff and the ability to force insurance companies to pay for their sex changes. Yeah, that’s snark, but it’s also true.

    More gently, and perhaps a bit more accurately, the Left firmly believe that Trump took things away from them during his tenure as President. If you want to convince Left to switch to Right, you have to overcome that. It’s not impossible, especially in the face of some of the stuff Harris is doing. You need to prove that not only has Trump not orchestrated taking *anything* away, but that he has done much for niche voters.