Category: Feedback

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to Friday Feedback. Anybody can add comments down below. We are going to start the membership requirement for comments Saturday. We will also start releasing some membership only articles. Remember that you can send us tips at gunfreezone (at) You can yell at me at Thanks again to all our members who…

  • Blog Status

    We have rolled out the new look, sort of. The actual look of the site should stay the same but there are some changes done to support membership. On comment pages, just above the comment box you will see a “Login or Register”. If you are already a member and logged in, you should not…

  • Blog Status

    It has been another week. We are slowly finding our rhythm. J.Kb. is doing a great job and high quality content. Miguel is doing his hit and run postings. I’m just hanging on by my fingernails. Status things: We still plan to start using memberships in another week. I’ve been writing a new theme that…