Category: Feedback

  • Friday Feedback

    This has been an interesting week for me. I’m working on a project where I’m being required to do much more frontend work than I normally do. This required me to actually learn Bootstrap’s grid system. It is astonishing how much I learn when I read the code instead of just reading the documentation. Another…

  • Friday Feedback

    This is it! Really. This is that post where you give us some feedback. Please add some down below. You might have noticed that more and more I am linking to There is a very good reason for this. They are doing a great job. I’ve talked about how hard it is to find…

  • Friday Feedback

    Y’ll know what to do! Leave some comments down below.

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to another Friday! This has been a week of finding interesting 2A cases that are all moving in the right direction. It has been a week of listening to the left scream about banning guns for reasons. It has been a week of accomplishing new things with a new project. I’ve started to put…

  • Friday Feedback

    The GFZ admin had a short discussion and decided that we do want to add links for those organizations that are fighting for the Second Amendment. To that end, if you have a favorite organization let us know in the comments. There have been a number of cases that are making progress, I’ll continue to…

  • Friday Feedback

    It was great to see so many of you have been advocates for the Second Amendment. More of you have testified than I expected to see. Thanks to all of you that fight the good fight. We had a couple of articles this week that were not authored by your normal hosts. Thank you to…

  • Friday Feedback

    There was a small snow storm up here this week. Everything is back to normal. Later today there is going to be oral arguments in Koons v. Reynolds. Finding the transcripts has proven difficult and listening to oral arguments drives me bonkers. We are waiting on a number of cases as well. There is the…

  • Friday Feedback

    You know you’ve been reading to much law geek language when you get two cases totally confused. I claim as a defense that Judge Benitez in his conference meeting with parties was talking about opinions given in one case while talking about another and it looks like the state managed to get it confused too.…

  • Friday Feedback

    So Miguel, when are you going to do your “Ask me anything?” I can’t make him do an AMA but he is the winner of that poll. There are enough cases going on out there that it should be possible to write a different case analysis everyday for the next ten years. I can’t handle…

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to another Friday! We had our first “ask anything” It didn’t go the way I expected. I was going to collect all the questions and then have Hagar make a post answering them all. Still it worked out. I’ll offer up an “ask me anything” for myself if you all would like, see the…