Category: Feedback

  • Background Checks? Text, history and tradition – Correction

    Form 4473 is the federal background check paperwork and firearm registration form used by the ATF to make sure you are not a prohibited person and to create a registry. This came into existence in 1993 with the passage of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Correction: Form 4473 came into existence with the GCA…

  • Friday Feedback

    Miguel’s post about harping on health really hit me. I’m struggling. Two years ago, I was around 330. Today I’m hovering around 292. During the week, I lose weight. On the weekend, I gain it all back. I have to make the conscious decision to not eat bad things on the weekend. It is difficult,…

  • Friday Feedback

    I finished moving a new client onto our servers yesterday. They had been cracked and abused. Thank you to Miguel for that client. On different fronts, I’m fighting with PyQt6. For whatever reason, the QMediaPlayer will not reliably play an MP3 or WAV. Lord help me if I want to change the start position. This…

  • Friday Feedback

    Sorry for the lack of legal analysis these last few days. I have been fighting depression, but I think I’ve finally pulled myself out of it, for now. Depression for me means it is hard to do anything that isn’t “fun”. Work slows down. Small things stop me from moving forward. Yesterday included some loud…

  • Friday Feedback

    We had some excellent responses regarding car safes. I looked at an in console safe for my truck, the price has come way down, it is now on the “to buy” list. I’m in the process of bringing a new client onboard. This makes me grateful to Miguel for getting me started on WordPress. Ballistics…

  • Friday Feedback

    Things are getting better. I have a few rounds to be pulled. All the “hot” rounds have been put in a safe place, and I’ll pull them tomorrow. There have been a couple of horrific opinions issued by the courts in the last few weeks. I’m going to be looking at more of them. There…

  • It was just a little issue…

    It is 2100 and after 6 hours of working with our cloud provider, everything is back. There was a hardware glitch that caused a node to fail. The website automatically moved to a new node and attempted to restart. Unfortunately, that hardware glitch caused the cluster to believe that the node was still there and…

  • State of The Blog

    First, thank you to Miguel for creating this fantastic place. Thank you to J.Kb. for contributing. Thank you to both of you for allowing me to be an author here. Just over a year ago, Miguel announced his retirement to J.Kb. and myself in a private email. We considered a couple of different options, one…

  • Friday Feedback

    Welcome to Friday! It’s almost the weekend. I really wish that the climate change gods would decide which way it should be. The last couple of nights I’ve gone to bed, it has been so hot and mucky that I didn’t want to be near my lady. Halfway through the night, I woke up shivering…

  • Friday Feedback

    It feels like it has been a long week. I think much of that came from listening for hours of oral arguments. On the better side of things, I believe that I have better code in place to make the task easier next time. I’ve also created tools that do more saves along the way…