Category: …….
Nerd Babble
TL;DR; How to solve problems that should already have been solved vs. reinventing the wheel. I have been programming in Python for a few years now. I like the amazing libraries it has, plus the power of the language. I dislike that it has weak typing. In the languages I’ve used in the past, you…
Friday Feedback
It has been a busy week for me. I’m still reading legal filings, but it is harder and harder to write about them. The state says the same thing, over and over again. The courts keep looking for ways to avoid doing the right thing. It reminds me so much of the aftermath of Heller.…
Nguyen v. Bonta, state tap dance
(1250 words) This is another example of the state twisting and bending to have a small chance of winning. Given that the appeal is to the Ninth Circuit, they will get the stay they are requesting. In 1999, California passed a “one gun per month” or OGM law. It is actually difficult to track because…
I’m Sorry, Washington state
Your state Supreme Court hates you and cheats. Monday evening, PST, the trial court enjoined the unconstitutional magazine ban. As the judge wrote, you don’t use a magazine to spread butter, it is an arm. The 2A community jumped into action. Since it was after hours, LGS (Local Gun Stores) opened up and the people…
Tuesday Tunes
A song that my wife and I used to fall asleep to, after a bad day. I’m happy to say that it has been a few years since it was required.
Communications, or how to read minds…
There is a style of communication called “mitigated speech”. I learned about it by watching a video by Malcolm Gladwell giving a speech about his book Outliers. It comes about when somebody uses language that is designed to not offend, rather than to say things clearly. One of the examples given, was of a co-pilot…
Flash! Home Machinist Makes Tool to Make Tool!
The home shop if full of neat things that you can make. My primary tools are a 5×13 South Bend Lathe, shipped to the Reynolds Machinery Company on December 31st, 1947 and a Bridgeport mill from the late 50s The rule of thumb for any hobby is that you will spend more on tooling than…
Barnett v. Raoul, Judge McGlynn Gets It
For the last bit, we’ve been talking about how the apparatchiks have been moving to try to redefine what the plain text step is in Heller and Bruen The Seventh Circuit contends that Friedman and Bevis do not suffer from Bruen’s instruction that any two-step test is “one step too many.” Bruen at 19; see…
Friday Feedback
New Hampshire got a little more snow and ice yesterday and today. We were prepared for it, no big deal. I was preparing to go to bed, doing that final sit of the day before showering, when the power went out. Grump. Finished in the dark. Turned the flashlight on, pointed it at the ceiling,…
School Discipline
My wife is a teacher. She has been teaching for over 40 years now. When we were in Maryland, she taught at two different schools. One a rural school and one in Baltimore. While she received extensive support from her admin while at the rural school, not so much in the Baltimore school. Her most…