Category: …….
Cast Iron/Dura-Bar speeds, feeds and OUCH!
Machining is the process of removing material to revile the part that was living inside the raw material. We use two different forms of material, cast/forge and “stock”. A cast item is an item that is formed to a particular shape that is further refined by the machining process. Stock is a standard shape that…
Even the Good Courts Mess Up
On the 26th of April, the Fifth Circuit court issued their opinion in McRorey v. Garland. We did not win this case. This is a loss for the Second Amendment. So what happened? In 2022, shortly after Bruen, Congress had their Bruen tantrum. Since some rhinos decided to sell out The People, we ended up…
Ode to Mom
Friday was Mom’s wake. All the kids, all the grandkids, all the great-grandkids were there. Dad’s sister and cousins were there as well. Dad had also invited many of Mom’s friends as well. I had too many crying jags. Dad was tearing up all the time. I’m tearing up now. I wish the liquor scattered…
When you are too cheap for…
I was wandering through the depths of the internet when a meme from Brandon Herrera popped. I expected it to be another hit piece by his political opponent. The comments seemed to be leading that way. Then I zoomed int. The meme is something like: When you’re taken out with a set of NERF NODS…
What’s That In Your Pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
At that same gathering, my brother, his five sons and I were standing around talking. TSA came up and we all joked about security theater. The next topic was “Favorite knives we’ve lost to security theater.” Turns out that all but myself have lost knives to security theater. The closest I’ve come was when I…
24×7 Propaganda
I had the misfortune of having to be in a household where the TV is tuned to CNN or MSNBC all the time. Over the course of the visit I was asked to comment on the Trump trial a few times. But there was nothing on the air except how they were finally going to…
Friday Feedback
I hope you had a great week and I hope your weekend will be better. Last weekend, I had a chance to speak to a couple of expert survivalists. The sort that go off into the woods for a couple of months with just a few things, no food, no water. They go out to…
It is the little things that drive me bonkers
On Saturday, I made a piece of scrap metal. I did a stupid, and then could not recover. Then I proceeded to think my way out of my issue and into an incorrect answer. Today I did the job over again, making different mistakes. I’ve had more crashes making this backplate than any other task…
Tuesday Tunes
Today, this song would never get air play. Yes, the south lost. That didn’t mean that the army was dishonorable, nor did it mean the people were. President Lincoln, famously said: With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive…