Category: …….

  • Application Review: Hornady Android Ballistics

    Short answer: 2 out of 5 stars. This is obviously somebodiessomebody’s work of love. Like me, they are more interested in the data than the user interface. This leads to a user interface that is barely useable. There are times when you press on a sentence which acts like a button. These are often small…

  • It is all about the math, or how come I keep missing? UPDATED

    I’m relatively new to this gun stuff. Before the 2000, I didn’t have money for firearms, and after I bought my first round of firearms, I didn’t have money to purchase guns for a long time. I was forced by good comments to go do math and then visualize it. Thank you, gnuplot. In the…

  • Pure Geek Dump

    I feel like I am coming to the end of a long journey. Yesterday I managed to get another part of the puzzle working. I might actually be able to finish (hah!) this personal project. I do not like WordPress. We call it the security breach. If it hasn’t happened today, it will happen tomorrow.…

  • Dude Stuff

    According to my sources, “Dude” is non-gendered, so according to my sources this is not a sexist rant. I’m an old fart. I do “dude stuff”. I’m no longer shocked when other people can do the same things I can do, but I do have certain expectations, and I’m continuously let down. “Dude Stuff” is…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Thank you to everybody who clicked the like button or added a comment to my last post. It helps with the motivation. I think there are about ten different songs I’ve listened to recently that have the same sort of theme. This happens to be one of the older ones.

  • Gun Safety Done Right

    The other day, I analyzed an Amicus Curia brief by the “Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence”. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (Brady) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing gun violence through education, research, and legal advocacy. One of Brady’s primary goals is to encourage the implementation of safe designs, distribution, and…

  • Journalisming?

    There are days when your socks are knocked off. Is it accidental journalisming or is this common place for them? It is even more confusing when the call sign is “KPQ”. For those that don’t know, radio call signs start with “W” east of the Mississippi and with a “K” to the west. Generally a…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Today’s tune is brought to you by the Blue Haired Faerie. She of the M3 grease gun. The current younger generation spirit. Even with the issues in the world, in people’s lives. “We are young” and “we can glow brighter than the sun” it’s just kind of hopeful in a way, it has got a…

  • New Glass

    We are being invaded by squirrels. They are eating the bird food. Wife has declared war on the damn things. I have four scopes. They range in age from 30 years old to “who the heck knows?” One came on the M1. It is a fixed four power. It is currently dismounted. The scope on…