Category: …….

  • A Moral Dilemma

    (2000 words) Conviction on a felony is generally a sign of poor judgement. Significantly poor judgement that punishment by the State is warranted. What that tells me is the person convicted of a felony is… well… not exactly going to be a responsible and law abiding gun owner. . But… there are so many exceptions…

  • Friday Feedback

    The first shipments should go out early next week. Just the Velcro backing. Those come from my supplies. J.Kb. will start shipping the actual patches sometime after the 28th. We are looking at all the other options. We just have to make sure we break even or make a bit of profit on these things.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    This popped on my feed yesterday, I made a note to pass it on to you.

  • The Stanford Prison Experiment

    This famous experiment was conducted in August 1971. The researcher had placed an ad in the Palo Alto City newspaper. 70 people replied and were brought in for interviews. According to Zimbardo, the lead researcher, these were “diagnostic interviews”. The term “diagnostic interview” was understood to mean looking for mental instability or particular sadistic tendencies…

  • Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland

    When we discuss the horrors of Nazi Germany, many people claim that they would not have turned a blind eye to the atrocities that were taking place. They are full of it. They are mistaken in every way. There is the Stanford Prison Experiment, where they took volunteers and broke them into two groups, guards…

  • Costs of Litigation

    In Fraser v. BATFaE the plaintiffs (good guys) said that 18, 19, and 20 year-olds are part of The People and that the government was infringing. On May 10, 2023, the court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. The court then ordered the winning party, the good guys, to submit their costs for payment by…

  • Hunter Biden Charges

    We should all be aware of 18 U.S.C. 922(g). This is the definition of prohibited person. (g) It shall be unlawful for any person (1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; (2) who is a fugitive from justice; (3) who is an…

  • Shopping! Update.

    I have heard from J.Kb. that the patches are not yet in his hands. It will be a couple of days still. I’ve marked the product as being on backorder. I’ve reached out to a supplier for shirts, hats and such. It is possible, but the cost might be higher than we want to pay.…

  • Friday Feedback

    We opened up the shop to the world, and this might actually work. J.Kb. has some items to ship, and I have one to ship. We’ll get them out shortly. The patches are estimated to be delivered from the embroiderer September 29.  Shipping will begin the first week of October. We had a request for…

  • Shop Status Update – UPDATED

    How to access the shop On a large screen, the “shop” button is located in the header next to the “about” button on the lower left of the header banner. You have direct access to the cart, checkout, and your account from a dropdown on the right. If you are on a mobile device, there…