Category: …….

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a good week. A week to be thankful for. Oregon had a massive win in regard to measure 114 and its follow-on bill. A state court granted a permanent injunction against the entire mess. Measure 114 is currently on life support. This was at the lowest level in the state courts. Sort…

  • Thank You

    I grew up in a traditional family. Part of this meant that we ate as a family every night. When we finally got a TV, we didn’t eat in front of it. That was something that was a reserved special treat. For a long time, I had lost that. When my wife and I got…

  • Dangerous People can’t have guns!

    After Heller, the law of the land was that if the proposed conduct implicated the plain text of the Second Amendment, then the history and tradition of arms regulation was examined. If there was an analogous regulation from the ratification of the Second Amendment, then the modern-day regulation was constitutional. The rogue, inferior Article III…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Something a little more modern than my normal.

  • J6 Videos – Updated

    The house has started releasing J6 video footage. So far, about 29 GB of video has been released. I’ve looked over some clips. Interesting things I noticed: Some cameras are PTZ (Pitch, Turn, ZoomPan, Tilt, Zoom). One video had the camera suddenly turn to face the crowd. It then zoomed in on a dangerous individual. The…

  • Spark Button Failure

    Firearms need to be cared for. I’m not good at it. I came to it later in life and just didn’t understand what it takes. That being said, I’m attempting to do better. Part of “doing better” is actually training with EDC in normal clothing/gear and being willing to send self-defense rounds down range. This…

  • Ethics and the Supreme Court

    B.L.U.F. My rambling on the newly issued Supreme Court Code of Conduct. (2150 words) The Supreme Court has always had a code of conduct, their formal ethics. It was not published for good reason. There is only one way to remove a Supreme Court justice, that is through impeachment as described in the constitution. There…

  • Friday Feedback

    We’ve had some news out of a couple of rogue inferior courts. The level of gymnastic skill exercised by these courts rivals anything ever seen at the Olympics. On the good news front, the Supreme Court will hear the Range petition for writ of certiorari today. There are three potential answers we can get back:…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    When I first heard this, I thought it was the national anthem of Israel. Here is the real thing:

  • Fonts? What are they good for?

    I am a computer scientist. I went to university to learn how to be a computer scientist. Some of the classes I took were named things like “data structures” “FORTRAN IV” “Assembly” and “Compilers”. I’ve written three compilers, around four or five different interpreters, studied and understand bit manipulation. I’ve done bit fiddling on a…