Category: …….

  • The State Tap Dances

    B.L.U.F. The state dances around “in common use” because they fear it. They even explain why it can’t be used. If it was used, then they would lose. (1650 words) In Bruen, the Supreme Court rejected the interest-balancing test that many courts of appeals had applied since District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    A while ago I brought “Strange Fruit” by Nina Simone to Tuesday Tunes. It was a hard listen, not because of the skill of the singer, but because of the subject. Here is her impeccable voice in something a little lighter.

  • They are trying, boy are they trying.

    (1150 words) “6 keys to safe storage of firearms, from the experts” came across my feeds. I didn’t expect much, but I went to read, just to have some fodder for the blog. The first step is to identify the “experts”. The link to “experts” takes us to a single associate professor with a Ph.D.…

  • No meaningful burden…

    Heller tells us that the proper way to look at a Second Amendment Challenge is to first determine if the proposed conduct is within the scope of the plain text of the Second Amendment. If it is, then the burden shifts to the state to prove a history and tradition of equivalent regulations. When looking…

  • In Common Use!

    In A Win for the 2nd?, I wrote about how the Fourth Circuit court has ordered the parties to brief them on when “common use” comes into play under Bruen. Some comments talk about “in common use” being an issue for us. It is not. Consider a startup company that introduces a new shell. For…

  • Friday Feedback

    Two weeks ago, I wrote last week’s Friday Feedback. I was about to travel to visit my parents for the first time in years to say goodbye. I knew it was going to be hard, I wrote assuming it would be, scheduled it and planned to correct if I was wrong. It was a hard…

  • A Win for the 2nd?

    We exist within the framework of our knowledge base, and this colors how we think of our world. When I look at a machine and find that all the screws are machine screws and that no screws are “hidden,” this tells me that the item is designed to be taken apart. This was never clearer…

  • The Last Visit

    TL;DR: Talking about saying goodbye to my parents. This is train of thought babbling. (2500 words)

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Mom was never a quiet woman. She could look at a handsome man and say as much, without offending dad. Years ago, we were able to give her a life-size cardboard cutout of her favorite football star telling kids to drink their milk. She took laughed, and we took photos of her pretending to be…

  • The Last Visit – Part 2

    (Part 1 is under construction). Last week I was TDY to visit my parents. Mom had been in failing health for several years. She had dementia. I’ve been avoiding talking to her because she had gotten mean in her dementia. She was the most loving of mothers and I needed to remember her that way.…