Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)
It isn’t the tool, a followup
I had meant to write about “The Four Rules work” last night but decided on a different style of article. After reading about Alec Baldwin killing a person on set, there was an uproar in the gun community. Many of us wanted Alec arrested and treated like we assume we would be treated. Others advocated…
It isn’t the tool, NM Film Foundation version
The New Mexico Film Foundation brought local filmmakers together Saturday for a “Film Crawl” tour to share business resources that support the independent film industry. The event began with a gathering at the Wesst building on Broadway, where Daniel Moen, a stuntman for Rising Star Stunt Team in Albuquerque, gave a demonstration about steps of…
Application Review: Hornady Android Ballistics
Short answer: 2 out of 5 stars. This is obviously somebodiessomebody’s work of love. Like me, they are more interested in the data than the user interface. This leads to a user interface that is barely useable. There are times when you press on a sentence which acts like a button. These are often small…
It is all about the math, or how come I keep missing? UPDATED
I’m relatively new to this gun stuff. Before the 2000, I didn’t have money for firearms, and after I bought my first round of firearms, I didn’t have money to purchase guns for a long time. I was forced by good comments to go do math and then visualize it. Thank you, gnuplot. In the…
Friday Feedback
It feels like it has been a long week. I think much of that came from listening for hours of oral arguments. On the better side of things, I believe that I have better code in place to make the task easier next time. I’ve also created tools that do more saves along the way…
Bevis v. Naperville (7th Cir.) oral arguments, analysis
B.L.U.F. An examination of how judges act and how to read the tea-leaves. Also, the sorts of ridiculous things that are said and don’t get rebutted. The head judge is Frank Easterbrook. He has a history of dumping on the Second Amendment at every chance he can. He is the judge who got means-end into…
Roberrt Bevis v. City of Naperville (7th Cir.)
This is the oral arguments for the above case. This is an AW/LCM ban case. I hope you don’t have high blood pressure. I’m going to be reading this tomorrow and figuring out what some of the dumbest things said were. Case argued by Erin Murphy for Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. and…
Pure Geek Dump
I feel like I am coming to the end of a long journey. Yesterday I managed to get another part of the puzzle working. I might actually be able to finish (hah!) this personal project. I do not like WordPress. We call it the security breach. If it hasn’t happened today, it will happen tomorrow.…
In their own words
When you read court opinions, it is sometimes hard going. I use the term “emotional blackmail” to describe the type of argument which is based on feels instead of facts. The children will die if you don’t… Women will die in back alley abortions if you… People will solve disagreements in bloody gun fights if…