Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)

  • That Was Fun… NOT (status report)

    The alarm went off, I opened my blurry eyes and reached for my phone. Click… click… 03?!?!!? I started looking. I log into my server from my phone, clicking away to get a status. The database engine is in a crashbackoff loop. About that time, I noticed that Miguel had contacted me with a very…

  • Boo-boo, Blowout, Comprehensive, swing and a miss

    My wife was at work today at a mandatory staff meeting. They were going to be doing some team building, setting up team goals, and in general introducing management to the staff. My went to sit down and managed to crush her finger in the moving parts of the folding chair. Instant pain and blood.…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    I thoroughly enjoy songs that tell a story. Unfortunately for you all, that means bluegrass and country. Either that or I’ll have to torture you with musicals. The version from the album: And an extra: I found this musical accidentally.

  • state v. state?

    When I write about cases, legislation and events, I use the term “state” or “the state” to represent the Government. It doesn’t matter if it is the federal, state, or local government. It doesn’t matter if it is a rule promulgated by an agency or a city ordnance. In all cases, it is still “the…

  • EDC item

    After I posted my truck mess, one of the commenters pointed out that it might be the case that you only have what is on your person in that instant. They are correct. That is one of the reasons I have so many first-aid/stop the bleed kits. For example, the LBV for my office area…

  • Andrew Hanson v. DC (D.C. Cir.) — Magazine Ban

    Normally, I would spend time analyzing a filing. This particular filing is by the Appellants/Plaintiffs (good guys). It is a good history of DC gun infringements over the last decades. (1100 Words) For roughly two-score years, the District of Columbia has done its level best to rid firearms entirely from within its borders by imposing…

  • Friday Feedback

    It has been a good week overall. We got some great news out of a local court in Massachusetts regarding honoring out of state permits to carry. It is really great news. About a half dozen of the people I watch have talked about it as well as J.Kb. One point, it is an “as…

  • Stupid Arguments before the Supreme Court

    The Rahimi case has brought out all the normal infringers, along with a number of lesser known groups and people. They filed numerous amicus curiae briefs. I had intended to do a brief look through them all. Nope, no, forget it. Too much pain. What follows is a sampling of the first few, along with…

  • Corpus Linguistics

    Corpus linguistics is the study of a language as that language is expressed in its text corpus (plural corpora), its body of “real world” text. Corpus linguistics proposes that a reliable analysis of a language is more feasible with corpora collected in the field—the natural context (“realia”) of that language—with minimal experimental interference. The text-corpus…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    My son is on the spectrum. His idea of fun is computer games. On the great side of it, he has decided that he is going into the trades. I couldn’t be prouder of him. His sibling has given me tunes for Tuesdays, as has his mother. Today I asked for his. He gave me…