Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)
Site Change
We have turned off the restriction on who comments. It is now back to the old method. If you have an account, and you are logged in, that will work. If you are not logged in, then it will ask for your email, name and optional website. More info tomorrow.
Ronald Koons v. Attorney General New Jersey, ECF No. 107
Normally in one of these articles, I would be quoting their words, pointing out how horribly wrong the state is, how the state is cheating, lying or otherwise attempting to put their thumb on the scales of justice. Not so today. The attorneys representing the Senate President and General Assembly Speaker do a good job…
Ronald Koons v. Attorney General New Jersey, a fisk
B.L.U.F. The Attorney General of New Jersey has filed a brief (100 pages!!!!) explaining why New Jersey’s de facto carry ban is actually constitutional. (1900 words) Introduction The Second and Fourteenth Amendments have always coexisted comfortably with a wide range of firearms restrictions. As the record shows, States historically restricted firearms in particularly sensitive places—such…
“The War of Northern Agression”
I am old enough that I started school before the Federal Department of Education came into existence. My father was in the U.S. Navy. We traveled around the country as he was posted to different bases. Sometimes those locations were in “The South” and sometimes they were in The North. I am an American, first,…
Tuesday Tunes
On July 21st, 1861, the first battle of the War of Northern Aggression was fought. Just weeks prior, a Major in the Yankee army wrote a heartfelt letter to his love, his wife, the mother of his children. Because he was an educated man, his letter is educated. It still pulls at the heart, all…
Happy Labor Day
(1750 Words) We live in a society of people actively attempting to pervert history. We have evolved myths that have no true connection to historical reality. The uneducated and under educated of the country then make decisions based on myth and emotion. Often to the long-term detriment of our country. There is a concept of…
TL;DR; Go to DiveMedic’s site and read everything he has on radios and communications. He covers it much better than I can. Area Ocho His website is on my “must read” daily list. He is quite knowledgeable in many areas. Having said that, the next thing to know is that communications is shit in an…
Fraser v. ATF 18 U.S.C. §922(b)1
B.L.U.F. Mr. Fraser is the lead plaintiff in a challenge to 18 U.S.C. §922(b)1. Normally, we are concerned about the different parts of §922(g), prohibited persons. §922(b)1 is the probation on those under 21 purchasing handguns or handgun ammunition. We won. The case is held pending appeal to the Fourth Circuit court. (1500 words) Case…
Friday Feedback
There were a few big wins in the 2A world this week. We have a case out of Western Virginia, a class action suit, which found that all members of the class of 18,19, and 20-year-olds are allowed to purchase handguns, at a federal level. This is a district court ruling, and the Judge made…
Smith v. District of Columbia
This is a 99.9% win for the good guys. (750 Words) Back in 2015, Maggie Smith filed a class action suit against the District of Columbia. Maggie Smith, on behalf of herself and the Prosecution Class and the Nonresident Class (both defined below), brings this action against the Government of the District of Columbia (the…