Author: Anonymous Web Angel(GFZ)

  • GD&T, oh my, I still don’t get it.

    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” attributed to Sir Walter Scott, 1808. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, or GD&T, is a system of symbols, definitions, and practices designed to eliminate miscommunications between the description of an item and its real-world implementation. It removes unintentional deceptions. This was supposed to…

  • Jackson v. San Francisco (9th Cir. 2014)

    B.L.U.F. A look at a decision in the Ninth Circuit where The People lost. Today, that lose is a win. The Ninth and, by reference, the Seventh have given The People powerful case law to fight the rogue states and courts. (1600 words) Sometimes bad case law gets unusually good results. This appeal raises the…

  • Judge Roger T. Benitez

    Applying Bruen’s new lesson, this Court’s conclusion remains the same: the California ammunition background check laws violate a citizen’s right to bear arms. Once it becomes clear that acquiring ammunition is conduct covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment, it should be no surprise to discover that the government is unable to do…

  • Friday Feedback

    The Casinator project is moving forward. Unfortunately, every step forward requires me to learn something new. In the best of all worlds, I want to be able to send out the prints for this out to a shop to see what they quote me for parts. Back in October, the exercise bike started acting out.…

  • Good Results in Two Cases

    Rhode v. Becerra, 3:18-cv-00802, (S.D. Cal.) which is the California ammunition background check has had final judgement in. Judge Roger T. Beitez found for The People, again. This was the ammunition background check and no import of ammunition. The state has requested a stay pending appeal and if not stay is not granted, they are…

  • Guns in America

    B.L.U.F. A look at the research into the number of guns in America and who owns them. Why the state so desperately wants to shutdown real research into gun ownership and use. (2800 words) In 2008, the Supreme Court established the Heller methodology for handling Second Amendment challenges. The methodology is: Does the proposed conduct…

  • Tuesday Tunes

    Do you remember the first album/CD you owned? I do. My father was into woodworking. He made a beautiful stereo cabinet. He made his own speakers. He brought back two reel to reel tape decks from Japan. We had a good turntable and a good receiver. I grew up listening to music. Listening to good…

  • CAD, CAM, CGI, oh my!

    B.L.U.F. hh465: I didn’t come to FreeCAD as a novice. I jumped in because I thought my experience in AutoDesk Inventor would just transfer over. It didn’t. On the other hand, I’m very, very pleased with the results. This article is from your prompt. Thank you. Maybe the write-up below will help you get started,…

  • When things work?

    Geek dump, run away, run away! If I was a normal person, much of the software and hardware issues I run into would just go away. Instead, I invite these disasters on myself. In a normal business or home, you would have computers for each of your workers. You would have some virtual machines on…

  • Department of Homeland Security, et al., Applicants v. Texas

    (750 words) The state of Texas, as well as many other states, are tired of being over run by illegal aliens. Having begged the federal government to do their job, Texas and Arizona have had enough and have stepped up to do the job of Customs and Border Patrol. Texas initiated Operation Lone Star after…