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Who is KH’s VP pick?


I hadn’t heard much about Tim Walz before this, but apparently he’s quite the character. He’s 60, probably to give Harris’s youth a wisdom boost.

Per the Left:

  •  he’s a veteran, having served in the Army
  • Governor of Minnesota, defeated the Republican nominee
  • codified abortion rights into the State Constitution
  • staunch union supporter
  • free breakfast and lunch for all students
  • made Minnesota a “transgender children’s sanctuary”
  • Mid-western appeal and a “dad vibe”
  • he adores his cat (not sure why this is a pro but a few places mentioned it, so…)
  • he was a teacher and football coach
  • is known as a “good gun owner”
  • he likes Mountain Dew (so does JD Vance, and this is apparently important??)
  • he’s run against Republicans successfully several times now
  • he speaks well about what he has done and what he wants to do
  • David Hogg likes him (the Left considers this a positive)

Per the Right:

  • has a DUI from 95
  • dealt badly with the George Floyd riots
  • wants to defund the police
  • was draconian during COVID-19
  • apparently he’s given free college and free medical to illegal aliens
  • interfered in a police shooting case
  • after the Parkland massacre, he became vocally anti-gun
  • most of what he’s done and wants to do is skirting unconstitutional
  • David Hogg likes him (the Right considers this a negative)

Apparently, the Left think that calling the Right “weird” is causing discomfort for conservatives. That’s not what I’ve observed. Most people on the Right seem to be embracing the concept of being the weird ones. I’ve seen some rather fun videos from people on the Right, showing a variety of truly odd ducks from the Left, then saying, “But I’m definitely weird because I like cheese pizza,” and things like that.

In any case, there you go. Having heard the video above, I have a strong feeling of dislike for Walz. That may change, but I doubt it. But he does feel like he could change the tide slightly. As The Guardian noted, “It’s part of a vibe shift Democrats are feeling since Joe Biden announced he wouldn’t seek re-election. There’s less focus on the dire consequences of electing Trump again – though those consequences are certainly still part of the motivation – and more on detailing what Democrats want to do if they win.” —Guardian

I think we need to keep a close eye on the guy. Let’s not allow Trump to fall into the “attack mode” he used last time. That was a failing gambit. His current methods, amusing jabs but mostly sticking to talking about policy and what he’s going to do and has done, are working well. I don’t want to see him “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”


14 responses to “Who is KH’s VP pick?”

  1. pkoning Avatar

    Not Army — Army National Guard. Different type of organization. And I just read a piece about the fact that he retired moments before his unit was deployed to Iraq, and just a few months after his promotion to CSM.

    Apart from that, he proudly advertises his support for the MN abortion law, which has no restrictions at all and no parental consent requirement of any kind, placing it well to the left of the laws of such states as CA and MA. Also, the MN “universal background check” law, which as we all know is equivalent to a gun registry, and that is the enabler for gun confiscation.

    1. pkoning Avatar

      Correction: his actual rank is “master sargeant” since his promotion to CSM was provisional and he did not complete the requirements before leaving the Guard.
      More here (thank Miguel for the link): https://ace.mu.nu/archives/410938.php

    2. Also, the MN “universal background check” law, which as we all know is equivalent to a gun registry, and that is the enabler for gun confiscation.

      Make sure we all hammer this. The NRA gave him an ‘A’ rating when he was running for Congress (after he abandoned his National Guard unit — NG records say he quit [NOT “retired”] in May 2005, but his term of service wasn’t up until Sept 2007), which he abandoned and went full “gun control” while running for Governor of Minnesota.

      You may hear about his NRA ‘A’ rating at some point — it plays well with the “Fudd” crowd, after all — but it’s all bullsh!t. He flip-flopped away from gun owners the second he didn’t need their support.

      1. That was much of what the video went on about. The guy seems to be pretty slimy…

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    Observation on my part. Nothing other than my personal experience to back it up.

    It seems to only be the conservatives/right side of the aisle that need to “run a moderate if they want to win.” The leftist can run the extremists, and that is perfectly OK. In fact, the news media will try to claim someone like Harris and Walz are actually “moderate” when it is obvious they are extreme leftists. But god forbid someone like Trump say the average citizen is capable of making their own life decisions and the government should stay out of the way. EXTREME to the point he should be removed from the human race.

    1. The media-controlled (read: fake) “Overton window” strikes again.

      The real Overton window is, in fact, centered on moderate principles. It has to be. Political ideology generally follows a standard (bell curve) distribution; most people are within a standard deviation (SD) or two of center, very few are extremely far-Left or far-Right.

      But to hear the media tell it, ~45% of America — give or take, depending on the current polling — is “extreme far-Right”. We must be; we support the Bad Orange Antichrist! Anyone “moderate” is supporting the Harris-Walz campaign, everyone knows that!

      Sorry (hashtag sorrynotsorry), but that’s not how statistical distributions work. 45% of the population cannot be outliers, let alone “extreme” outliers. Not when ~68% (i.e. more than 2/3) falls within one SD of the mean, and ~95% within two SDs.

      Or more correctly, ~45% of the population cannot be outliers without dramatically and artificially pulling the Overton window off the mean. That’s what the media is trying to do with their pro-Harris propaganda.

      1. Archer, it is a little discomforting to be seeing how far Left things have suddenly veered. People I’ve known as true moderates for years, have suddenly taken the deep dive off the Left end, and haven’t even *noticed* that they’re doing so. It’s kind of scary.

        1. CBMTTek Avatar

          Perhaps you have slipped a bit to the right as well?

    2. So far at least, I haven’t seen anyone (right OR left) claiming that Harris and Walz are moderates. Everyone seems to see them as quite Left, which they are. From the Left point of view, they’re a perfect couple. To quote the Left, “Weird.”

      1. It's just Boris Avatar
        It’s just Boris

        To quote Mrs Boris, “Ewww!”

      2. pkoning Avatar

        Indeed. The people of the far left — Bernie Sanders, Pramiya Jayapal — are doing victory dances “we won! we won!”

      3. CBMTTek Avatar

        But, the media is all “Trump is too EXTREME!!!!”

  3. It's just Boris Avatar
    It’s just Boris

    Typical politician. Says what he needs to to get reelected, beliefs are situational and subject to what gets the most votes.

    And he definitely matches the description of “someone the Progresive puppet masters think could appeal to older male conservatives.”

    Hard pass. I mean seriously, I couldn’t not vote for Harris any harder than I’m already going to, but if I could have, this would have done it. (Did that even make sense?)

    And I hope the very things that the Party elite think will make him appealing to conservatives, will instead tilt some progressives to not vote for Harris. Ala the Bernie Bros not supporting Ms Clinton.

    1. Unfortunately, there are apparently people on the Right who do feel Walz is appealing. Admittedly, at least right now, we don’t know of any questions about his actions around children, which is a step up from other male candidates the Left have thrown up.

      As I’ve said over the last few years, Trump is such a hard no for so many people that the race is literally going to be a coin toss. Again. There were a lot of really good candidates available. My dislike of Trump has gone way down, but I’m not forgetting any of the things that made me dislike him to begin with. There were better choices to run in this election, and conservatives decided to go with the contentious one.