Groomers got to groom and other WTF from AFT

The American Federation of Teachers and its head, Randi Weingarten, is at it again.

A nonprofit organization called First Book, which said it has partnered with Disney, the American Federation of Teachers and other entities, provides free and heavily discounted books to low-income schools. Some of those listed in its marketplace contain sex imagery or have been challenged by parents for promoting gender ideology.
Nonprofit partnered with AFT provides books with sex imagery, drag queens and gender ideology to K-12 teachers

They are also attacking Project Veritas’ Secret Curriculum series.

Once again, the conservative activist group Project Veritas is targeting public education with out-of-context and deceptively edited videos.

The group is trying to churn up the culture wars in schools, announcing that they have videos about public education’s “secret” curriculum. They want to smear teachers and school staff, trying to paint them as nefarious and public schools as places of indoctrination.
Project Veritas YouTube page with full letter

A few days ago Randi was out there talking about how the teachers unions were the ones working to keep the kids in the schools.

There comes a point when you have to look at somebody and know that they are just scum. Ranid has made the cut.


2 responses to “Groomers got to groom and other WTF from AFT”

  1. Nuke Road Warrior Avatar
    Nuke Road Warrior

    “A few days ago Randi was out there talking about how the teachers unions were the ones working to keep the kids in the schools.”

    Who are you going to believe, Randi Weingarten or your lying eyes?

  2. CBMTTek Avatar

    I find it curious how leftists get all up in arms when someone publishes “…out-of-context and deceptively edited videos…” but they will defend a leftist that does the same thing.