Everything is politics, even when it isn’t

I like Mike Rowe. He speaks plainly and doesn’t care if you are offended.


6 responses to “Everything is politics, even when it isn’t”

  1. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Like that old saying … if you keep hearing dog whistles, maybe you’re the dog.

  2. it's just Boris Avatar
    it’s just Boris

    Like that old saying … if you keep hearing dog whistles, maybe you’re the dog.

  3. curby Avatar

    Americans have become giant cowards… “I don’t want to offend anyone “… while a tiny tiny minority offends THEM.. complacency and inaction breed failure. if you are not willing to stand up to the bully you are part of the problem. liberals politicize everything so they can put it in a specific group- things they like and things they hate..

    1. it's just Boris Avatar
      it’s just Boris

      With a Maxwell Demon at the portal … the flow is one-way only.

  4. curby Avatar

    Americans have become giant cowards… “I don’t want to offend anyone “… while a tiny tiny minority offends THEM.. complacency and inaction breed failure. if you are not willing to stand up to the bully you are part of the problem. liberals politicize everything so they can put it in a specific group- things they like and things they hate..

    1. it's just Boris Avatar
      it’s just Boris

      With a Maxwell Demon at the portal … the flow is one-way only.