I grew up in a traditional family. Part of this meant that we ate as a family every night. When we finally got a TV, we didn’t eat in front of it. That was something that was a reserved special treat.

For a long time, I had lost that. When my wife and I got together I reinstated that family meal.

Unless it is something special, we eat at the table. The entire family. If you are feeling anti-social, you still come down and say prayers.

We go around the table and everybody gives thanks for something real to them for that day.

  • Thank you to Miguel for letting me write for the blog and for trusting me to take care of his child
  • Thank you to J.Kb for putting up with me as a co-blogger.
  • Thank you to you, our readers.  Your readership means a great deal to me.
  • Thank you to our founding fathers that gave us this great country
  • Thank you to all the men, women, and children that have fought to keep this country free
  • Thank you for winning the lottery when I was born an American.
  • Thank you for the protected right to armed self-defense
  • Thank you for the vast wealth our country has
  • Thank you for the vast wealth each of us has.
  • Thank you for the technology that allows me to work in this great state with people around the world.
  • Thank you  to our Creator, who has given us so much.
  • Thank you for the joy of bang sticks.
  • Thank you for the smiles of my new born children
  • Thank you for the smiles, glares, “Oh Dad…” of my children today.
  • Thank you for the health care that has allowed my wife to have four knee replacements.
  • Thank you for the modern medicines that keep me going.
  • Thank you for all the plenty that is on our table, every day.
  • Thank you to my friends.  Those that have passed, those that are gone, those that are close, and for all my friends I have yet to meet.

Happy Thanksgiving



One response to “Thank You”

  1. Wishing you and Hagar and family, Miguel and family and J.Kb and family, the best Thanksgiving ever. Thanks to all of you and for your stand for all things American, and for your work on this excellent blog.